Overwatch 2 Tank Tier List Rankings — The Best Heroes for Season 11

Updated on July 17, 2024 for recent Tank changes

Zachary Chester
Pixel Chronicles
5 min readJul 4, 2024


The best tank heros for Overwatch 2 season 11.
Overwatch 2: Season 11 Tank Tier List

Welcome to our comprehensive Overwatch 2 Tank Tier List for Season 11, updated with the latest balance changes to keep you on top of the meta. Whether you’re anchoring your team or initiating fights, this guide will help you choose the best tanks to lead your team to victory.

Overwatch 2 Tank Tier List Overview


  • Reinhardt
  • Mauga
  • Sigma


  • Winston
  • D.Va
  • Roadhog


  • Ramattra
  • Junker Queen
  • Doomfist
  • Zarya
  • Wrecking Ball


  • Orisa

Overwatch 2 Tank Tier List Commentary

This tier list is designed to help you understand which tanks are most effective in the current meta. Remember, the player’s skill often matters more than the character they play. If you’re thriving with an off-meta pick, keep at it!

Season 11 Meta Insights

Key Changes and Tank Highlights

The Season 10 Armor Health rework has carried over to Season 11. Armor now provides a flat damage reduction of 5 per projectile, up to 50%, impacting how tank heroes need to strategize their engagements and defenses.

S-Tier Tanks

  • Reinhardt: The armor rework and recent buffs have significantly bolstered Reinhardt’s power. His high survivability and crowd control make him a top-tier tank.
  • Mauga: Known for his unmatched damage output, Mauga excels in both initiating fights and sustaining damage, making him a dominant force in the current meta.
  • Sigma: Sigma’s versatility and ability to control space with his barriers and Accretion make him a highly effective tank in various team compositions.

A-Tier Tanks

  • Winston: Winston’s mobility and area control make him a strong pick, especially in dive compositions. His ability to disrupt enemy backlines keeps him in the A-Tier.
  • D.Va: D.Va’s Defense Matrix and mobility allow her to protect teammates and pressure enemy supports and snipers effectively.
  • Roadhog: Roadhog’s self-sustain and high damage output make him a formidable presence. His Chain Hook can single-handedly turn fights by isolating key targets.

B-Tier Tanks

  • Ramattra: Ramattra’s versatility and ability to switch forms provide strategic depth, though he can be outperformed by higher-tier tanks in specific scenarios.
  • Junker Queen: Junker Queen’s aggressive playstyle and self-healing capabilities make her a solid pick, but she lacks the versatility of S-Tier tanks.
  • Doomfist: Doomfist’s mobility and disruption potential are strong, but he requires high skill to be effective and can be inconsistent.
  • Zarya: Zarya’s bubble management and high damage potential keep her relevant, though she is less dominant compared to top-tier tanks.
  • Wrecking Ball: Wrecking Ball’s mobility and disruption are valuable, but he can struggle against coordinated teams and high burst damage.

C-Tier Tanks

  • Orisa: Orisa’s durability and crowd control are useful, but she lacks the mobility and adaptability of higher-tier tanks, making her less effective in the current meta.

Fundamental Differences from Overwatch 1

Overwatch 2 now features five players per team instead of six, reducing the number of tanks to one. This change impacts tank roles significantly, as there is now less crowd control and fewer shields, leading to more skirmishes and duels.

How Meta Tiers Work

  • S-Tier: Best heroes with high presence across most maps and compositions.
  • A-Tier: Great choices, effective in many scenarios but slightly less versatile than S-tier.
  • B-Tier: Specialized heroes with lower overall presence, often overshadowed by better picks.
  • C-Tier: Situational heroes, rarely used except in specific scenarios or map halves.

Best Tank Heroes in Overwatch 2


  • Reinhardt: Benefiting from the armor rework and recent buffs, Reinhardt’s resilience and crowd control make him a powerhouse tank. His Earth Shatter is more impactful, especially with the nerf to Kiriko’s Protection Suzu.
  • Mauga: Mauga’s damage output and versatility make him a strong pick. His ability to counter aerial threats like Pharah and Echo adds to his value in Season 11.
  • Sigma: Sigma’s ability to control space with barriers and his Accretion ability make him a versatile and effective tank in various team compositions.


  • Winston: Winston’s mobility and area control are excellent for dive compositions. His ability to disrupt enemy backlines and protect his team keep him in the A-Tier.
  • D.Va: D.Va’s Defense Matrix and mobility allow her to protect teammates and pressure enemy supports and snipers effectively. She is versatile and strong in many scenarios.
  • Roadhog: Roadhog’s self-sustain and high damage output make him a formidable presence. His Chain Hook can isolate key targets, turning fights in his team’s favor.


  • Ramattra: Ramattra’s versatility and ability to switch forms provide strategic depth, though he can be outperformed by higher-tier tanks in specific scenarios.
  • Junker Queen: Junker Queen’s aggressive playstyle and self-healing capabilities make her a solid pick, but she lacks the versatility of S-Tier tanks.
  • Doomfist: Doomfist’s mobility and disruption potential are strong, but he requires high skill to be effective and can be inconsistent.
  • Zarya: Zarya’s bubble management and high damage potential keep her relevant, though she is less dominant compared to top-tier tanks.
  • Wrecking Ball: Wrecking Ball’s mobility and disruption are valuable, but he can struggle against coordinated teams and high burst damage.


  • Orisa: Orisa’s durability and crowd control are useful, but she lacks the mobility and adaptability of higher-tier tanks, making her less effective in the current meta.


Our Overwatch 2 Tank Tier List for Season 11 provides a detailed guide to the best tank heroes in the current meta. While meta picks can give you an edge, remember that your skill and adaptability are the true keys to success. Keep experimenting and refining your playstyle to climb the ranks.

Stay updated with Pixel Chronicles for more insights, guides, and discussions on Overwatch 2’s evolving meta. Whether you’re piloting a tank or supporting one, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each can significantly impact your gameplay and team strategy.

### Change Log
July 13, 2024: Updated with the latest tank patch updates
July 17, 2024: New article format



Zachary Chester
Pixel Chronicles

I collaborate with influencers to create opportunities for retail brands and boost player engagement.