Howto dump Geonames into PostgreSQL and postGIS

andrea mucci
Pixel Heart
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2016

This is a very short article explaining howto dump Geonames files into PostgreSQL without any special script or slow code.

first you have to download the related geonames files and unzip it


Now you have to create a database with the postgis templates active and after that we can create the related tables

create table geoname (
geonameid int,
name varchar(200),
asciiname varchar(200),
alternatenames text,
latitude float,
longitude float,
fclass char(1),
fcode varchar(10),
country varchar(2),
cc2 varchar(120),
admin1 varchar(20),
admin2 varchar(80),
admin3 varchar(20),
admin4 varchar(20),
population bigint,
elevation int,
gtopo30 int,
timezone varchar(40),
moddate date
create table alternatename (
alternatenameId int,
geonameid int,
isoLanguage varchar(7),
alternateName varchar(200),
isPreferredName boolean,
isShortName boolean,
isColloquial boolean,
isHistoric boolean
create table "countryinfo" (
iso_alpha2 char(2),
iso_alpha3 char(3),
iso_numeric integer,
fips_code varchar(3),
name varchar(200),
capital varchar(200),
areainsqkm double precision,
population integer,
continent varchar(2),
tld varchar(10),
currencycode varchar(3),
currencyname varchar(20),
phone varchar(20),
postalcode varchar(100),
postalcoderegex varchar(200),
languages varchar(200),
geonameId int,
neighbors varchar(50),
equivfipscode varchar(3)

now you can use pgAdmin or the command shell, in all the cases you have to grant the permissions to the files to import, you can do this with this command

chmod a+rX /Users/ogonbat /Users/ogonbat/Documents/ /Users/ogonbat/Documents/allCountries.txt

in this example i have downloaded and unzipped the file into the Documents folder, so you have to grant access to all the folders that contain the files, repeat the action for all the downloaded files
After to that you can use the command shell or the pgAdmin Query tool to import the files.

copy geoname (geonameid,name,asciiname,alternatenames,latitude,longitude,fclass,fcode,country,cc2,admin1,admin2,admin3,admin4,population,elevation,gtopo30,timezone,moddate) from '/Users/ogonbat/Documents/allCountries.txt' null as '';copy alternatename  (alternatenameid,geonameid,isolanguage,alternatename,ispreferredname,isshortname,iscolloquial,ishistoric) from '/Users/ogonbat/Documents/alternateNames.txt' null as '';copy countryinfo (iso_alpha2,iso_alpha3,iso_numeric,fips_code,name,capital,areainsqkm,population,continent,tld,currencycode,currencyname,phone,postalcode,postalcoderegex,languages,geonameid,neighbors,equivfipscode) from '/Users/ogonbat/Documents/countryInfo.txt' null as '';

Now is time to create the primary-keys and the foreign-keys

ALTER TABLE ONLY alternatename
ADD CONSTRAINT pk_alternatenameid PRIMARY KEY (alternatenameid);
ADD CONSTRAINT pk_geonameid PRIMARY KEY (geonameid);
ALTER TABLE ONLY countryinfo
ADD CONSTRAINT pk_iso_alpha2 PRIMARY KEY (iso_alpha2);

ALTER TABLE ONLY countryinfo
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_geonameid FOREIGN KEY (geonameid) REFERENCES geoname(geonameid);
ALTER TABLE ONLY alternatename
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_geonameid FOREIGN KEY (geonameid) REFERENCES geoname(geonameid);

and finally you have to generate the Postgis points

SELECT AddGeometryColumn ('public','geoname','the_geom',4326,'POINT',2);

UPDATE geoname SET the_geom = ST_PointFromText('POINT(' || longitude || ' ' || latitude || ')', 4326);

CREATE INDEX idx_geoname_the_geom ON public.geoname USING gist(the_geom);

That’s all, this is a partial dump, have more informations that can be added from geonames, but the process is still the same for every file.



andrea mucci
Pixel Heart

Product of Italian Design from the summer of 75. In 2020, thanks to the pandemic lockdown i have released a python microservice framework calles MinOS.