Our Vision and the Diamond Hair Program

PixelDAO Community
Published in
6 min readJan 5, 2022


Pixel DAO will be the premier Metaverse/Play-to-Earn (Referred to as ‘Metaplay’ henceforth) incubator, and a cross-chain decentralized accelerator of game development.

We will utilize the Protocol-Owned Liquidity (POL) model pioneered by Olympus DAO to bootstrap our treasury using FRAX and Metaplay assets. We then deploy to incubate and invest into new and promising Metaplay projects. Ultimately we will build out a community run game development organization in a decentralized manner.


The mission, what we do every day in pursuit of our vision is; grow our community of gamers, developers, analysts and financial experts, enabling them to find, validate, and accelerate the most promising teams of Web3 builders to make their products a reality. We allocate the treasury to invest capital and gather the mass of our community to get behind these projects.

What do we value?

We value the people who are building the games that will be remembered for generations.

These builders are paving the way with their products, games, and creations to form the foundation for future game development within the metaverse.

We know that these developers will bridge the gap between the traditional gaming industry and the current state of metaplay gaming to form a new landscape. This is why we need a strong community aligned with the vision and actively participating in it’s scouting, treasury management, governance and operations.

Enter the Diamond Hair Program!

Early in our formation the community started a trend of using the term “Nice Hair” as an informal greeting. Similar to “gm”, you will often see “nh” used in our server. This evolved (we honestly don’t really know how) into saying Diamond Hair instead of the traditional “Diamond Hands” and that’s how we developed our Diamond Hair Program!

How it works

To put it simply:

If you are (1) a Protagonist, (2) you buy your max whitelisted allocation (123 PXL) and (3) you do NOT sell a single $PXL you qualify for DH!

As long as you do 1, 2, 3 you are automatically opted-into the Diamond Hair program

What are the benefits?

As a diamond haired member, you are entitled to co-investment opportunities with Pixel DAO.

How is this beneficial:

If you have been following Pixel DAO for a while, you probably know that Pixel isn’t an “OHM Fork”. We are leveraging the POL model to bootstrap our treasury for Metaplay investments though.

Thus at Pixel DAO, we are building an elite community of P2E/Metaverse (Metaplay), researchers, builders, investors, artists and quants, for one purpose: To aid in the growth of promising projects and the metaverse sector as a whole, from a grassroots community effort!


You as a stake holding community member, having the option to seed with your own money the next Axie Infinity, DeFi Kingdom, or The Sandbox Game.

The projects of this caliber or potential, never solely asks for capital, they seek the intangible support of strategic investors as well. Normally, that would be a privilege reserved only for VCs, Angels, or insiders. However, Pixel DAO is committed to sharing this privilege with Diamond Hair members, to level the playing field of the crypto space with such a rare opportunity.


As a metaplay Liquid DAO (Carter, 2022), Pixel will be actively looking for opportunities for high risk, high reward investments as well as yield strategies. There are two opportunities that we are working on that will be given to our Diamond Haired members:

  1. Co-invest community sub-allocations

Let’s say Pixel is seeding project A as a strategic partner. What we will be doing is dividing the allocation, for example: 80%/20% (Treasury/Diamond Haired) to give our members a chance to co-invest too.

80% of the full allocation will be invested using Pixel DAO’s treasury. The remaining 20% allocation will be divided between Diamond Haired members.

Of course, this ratio isn’t final, and is flexible on a case-by-case basis, since we have to take into consideration our counter-party’s inputs as well. The numbers are used solely to emphasize our example.

2. Co-investing of full-allocation

There will be instances when Pixel DAO cannot deploy our treasury fund for investment (no more allocations, technical limitations, or commitment elsewhere). But from a strategic point of view, we still believe in certain projects’ long term vision, and would like to support them with capital and a balanced distribution of their early community.

This would be a golden opportunity for Pixel’s Diamond Haired members, since essentially you would get to participate in pre-sale events which are fully vetted by our Investment Council and fully meet Pixel’s community standard of due diligence. This will result in a higher maximum allocation for yourself, since in these cases, 100% of pre-sale allocations would be divided between DAO members starting with our Diamond Haired members.


During our whitelisting process, Pixel DAO has spent a lot of time hand-picking the most active, positive, and contributing members of the DAO to become our whitelisted Protagonists. As well of some of you that have just been lucky!

With the Diamond Haired program, Pixel aims to build the core community of our stakers. Those who are not only bullish on the future of Pixel DAO, but also the future of the Metaplay sector as a whole.

As a note, we want to thank you for your trust, and we strive to reward you accordingly with the most tangible benefit of the Crypto space: early and asymmetric opportunities.

To recap:

  • If you buy your max whitelisted allocations (123 PXL for $2337 FRAX)
  • And you do not sell a single $PXL
  • As long as you meet these requirements, you are eligible for the Diamond Hair program
  • And you get to co-invest with Pixel DAO in our upcoming deal pipeline.
  • If you sell, you are out.
  • Game on, the decision is yours!
  • We have seen some projects try negative reinforcement to improve staking ratio, and this in our eyes is detrimental to the community. Instead we offer opportunities but if you need to un-stake we understand, your needs shouldn’t be enforced by Pixel DAO, all we can do is offer the asymmetric opportunities only available in this sector.

What if I am not whitelisted?

In an ideal scenario, you are whitelisted, and you buy max allocation, and you just stake (3,3).

However, you might not be whitelisted. Or you could not afford the max whitelist allocation. Or for another reason. We still have something for you:

The Genesis NFT collection

There will be a separate medium article regarding Pixel DAO’s Genesis NFT collection. But for now, here are a few bullet points:

  • Genesis NFT holders are also eligible for co-investments with the DAO
  • There is only 1 Genesis collection and at most 1337 Genesis NFT holders at all time
  • As a Genesis NFT holder, the more sPXLs you stake, the higher your co-investment allocations will be (capped at a certain limit to ensure fair distribution)
  • Top 100 sPXL stakers (based on a ratio of Amount + Time held) will be airdropped a rare Genesis NFT
  • The following top additional 200 sPXL stakers at Genesis Collection launch are automatically whitelisted for minting
  • Targeted ETA for Genesis Collection launching is Early Feb.

So if you are already whitelisted as a Protagonist: Stay staked, and enjoy the long-term benefits. If you aren’t, keep an eye out for the announcement regarding Pixel DAO’s Genesis NFT collection.

In the next Medium article, we will get into more juicy details regarding our upcoming NFT collections.


You must gather your party before venturing forth!


Money With Carter. “Q1 2022 Thesis.” Money With Carter Substack, Money With Carter, 4 Jan. 2022, https://moneywithcarter.substack.com/p/q1-2022-thesis?r=rx2kg&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web.

