Interning with the PDT

Creative thinker? Problem solver? Team player? Learner? Doer? Go-getter? Troublemaker? Misfit? Hacker? Rule breaker? Visionary? Futurist? Entrepreneur?

KAL = Keep Affairs Light
3 min readSep 1, 2009


Do you:

Have fiery passion, willing to put in thousands of hours to sharpen your “sword”? Dream about your future and how you can shape it? Desire exponential growth in both professional and personal arenas? Seek variety over monotony, in work and in life? Value mentorship? Strive for mastery? Care about making a difference? Aspire to help the good guys? Sacrifice today’s gratifications to achieve long term goals and dreams?

Pixel Dreams provides an unconventional internship, with the goal to help you pave your creative path and shape your future. Consider your internship a boot camp.

We’ll provide ample opportunities to take on real responsibilities, get involved in team meetings and debates, one-on-one client meetings, and more. You can expect honest feedback, and sometimes harsh truths. You’ll be immersed in a dynamic team environment surrounded by love and transparency to help you heal those creative ego-wounds you will undoubtedly receive.

Get ready for a roller coaster of emotional highs and lows.

Internship types

  • Creative/design
  • Creative/copywriting
  • Marketing/PR/social media/generalist
  • Development, Web, 3D, VR

The internship duration is a minimum of 12 weeks (3 months), unpaid. While not mandatory, a 6-month duration may be accommodated. This is a great alternative to the shitty college/university programs you’ve heard about.


Opportunities, duties and expectations

  • You will be a part of a tight-knit lets-get-shit-done-then-we-party family
  • You will study and promote PD brand vision, identity and story
  • You will be a brand ambassador
  • You will learn our creative process
  • You will train in internal processes (operations, sales, project and account management)
  • You will take part in internal projects (some are fun, some are controversial)
  • You will study and work closely with the leadership team
  • You will participate in internal and client meetings
  • You get to pitch your crazy ideas (PD may fund your great idea)
  • You get to present to clients
  • You will run errands, answer phones, help clean up
  • You will be a part of our growing culture (
  • You take part in funded Friducation field trips and select extracurricular activities
  • You will watch Star Trek episodes with team
  • You will receive personal and professional mentorship
  • You will have access to the Founder, and his network

Words of wisdom

Before you eagerly apply to an internship opportunity, you should ask yourself a few important questions. What are your goals and objectives? What do you want out of the internship? How prepared are you to grow and learn?
Some internships are about fetching coffee and shredding paper. Some internships are about hard work, personal and professional growth, and having fun. Make sure you do your due diligence and find the opportunity that’s right for you.

Do your research, dig deep, and get to know us before you apply.




KAL = Keep Affairs Light

Beaming in and out of your existence with Cardassian swag and Vulcan logic. Party like a Klingon, know your Ferengi Rules of Acquisition and prosper!