It’s your responsibility to grow

KAL = Keep Affairs Light
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2016

It’s a privilege that your employer creates time in your workweek for you to study and learn new things. However, don’t get this confused with the responsibility you have for your own growth and prosperity.

“…don’t get this confused with the responsibility you have for your own growth and prosperity.”

For far too many, this new-age-hippie tech industry has created this false idea that it’s the employer’s responsibility for you to grow in your career. This is bogus and this is dangerous. While good employers want and do indeed create an atmosphere for growth, this should not replace what you do on your own. What your employer does to help you grow should be considered gravy to your meat and potatoes; not the full meal.

“At the end of the day, no-one should give a shit about your career as much as you.”

At the end of the day, no-one should give a shit about your career as much as you. Your financial opportunities, prosperity, and accomplishments are yours to claim, and yours to kill. Don’t expect your employer to hand this on a platter for you. Stop this fantasy that you can get by with what you learn at work. There are kids half your fucking age right now, with no responsibilities or stresses in life, learning new things that is going to turn you obsolete. This doesn’t even account for the additional few billion that will be getting on the Internet in the next 5–10 years. Technology is moving at break-neck speeds, and I can tell you this: Your industry and your job is going to be disrupted. Don’t for a second believe that you’re safe. So what are you doing about it?

Questions I like to ask people:

  • What are your goals this year and why do they matter to you?
  • What are the books you’re crushing and how do they tie into your goals?
  • How much time do you dedicate to personal and professional development daily/weekly?
  • What are some potential misconceptions and inaccurate constructs you have about success? Hint: We all have some.
  • Who and/or what is going to make your current job disappear?

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Originally published at on January 2, 2016.



KAL = Keep Affairs Light

Beaming in and out of your existence with Cardassian swag and Vulcan logic. Party like a Klingon, know your Ferengi Rules of Acquisition and prosper!