Featured image by: Mark Galura (Quest)

The Orville: Old Wounds

Pixel Dreams
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2018


Written by: Daniel Libby (Liberty)
Episode number: S01E01
Episode airdate: September 10, 2017

The core team assembled for a surprise return to Friducation. Following an intro by Capt. Kal revealing how some heated arguments in the past about the show Mad Men led to a program of watching Star Trek every Friday, which eventually fell into a long hiatus. Now in our first Friducation of 2018, there’s a new hope that FRI will continue as a regular thing and that hope is The Orville.

We started from the top, by watching the first episode of the first season, entitled OId Wounds. This episode served as an introduction to the main crew on board the spaceship USS Orville. Amazingly the show found time away from showcasing a full cast of characters and jokes, to include a more serious plotline about ex-lovers thrust into being together again, in close confines on a mission.

If there was a main moral lesson or key message to the story, I would say that sometimes perhaps you are too busy hating someone instead of acknowledging that they are actually trying to help you. Of course a plot twist in the end could skew things but we don’t want to give away any spoilers (or reopen any old wounds)!

Could this be the perfect blend of comedy and sci-fi?

Perhaps most surprisingly is that for a series that at first glance appears to be a standard sci-fi parody, actually does not rely on making fun of sci-fi fans and instead might actually be made by Trekkies themselves. Much respect goes to Seth MacFarlane and the show creators for combining a fine mix of humour and morality. The production values including the sets, costumes, makeup and visual effects are also top notch.

This was the perfect show to relaunch Friducation for the new year with a fresh series to keep us thoughtfully entertained. May this be one of many to come.

A new space adventure starts every Friday…

Care to join us for an episode? To gain admission simply contact us for details.

We aim to kick-off between 1600 hrs and 1700 hrs (4–5pm) be on time cause you don’t want to miss a moment of the action. Be prepared for thrills, develop your mental skills, or just sit back and chill. Set your triggers to warning. This is a free-speech safe space — say what’s on your mind. Honest reactions appreciated.

Originally published at friducation.com.



Pixel Dreams

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