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Book Reviews - 2017–02

Pixel Dreams
6 min readMar 15, 2017


Cover image from Unsplash, taken by Will van Wingerden

We’re passionate about learning and studying, and we want to share that passion with you. We hope these monthly book reviews will help in your business and life.

Books make us want to touch our shelves

In the month of February 2017 we read a total of 2880 pages, with a power average of 480 pages-per-teammate.

Top three books of the month

Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers

694 pages, Written by Timothy Ferriss, published 2017, Amazon rating 4.6/5

Lannie’s Review: The book reverse engineers the formulas for success of some of the world’s top performers. Providing practical tools and tips, including their rituals. I have positively applied many of the life-changing lessons from Tools of Titans to my own daily rituals and goal setting. I really liked the mix of interview quotes and personal excerpts.

David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

275 pages, Written by Malcolm Gladwell, published 2013, Amazon rating 4.2/5

Lannie’s Review: A book about the art of fighting giants, using examples from history, like the famous story of David and Goliath. Although, personally it did not change my perspective, it did reaffirm my outlook on competition and the perceived advantages of size. I thoroughly enjoyed Malcolm Gladwell’s humble yet intriguing style of storytelling.

Ego is the Enemy

226 pages, Written by Ryan Holiday, published 2016, Amazon rating 4.6/5

Sarah’s Review: Based on stoic philosophy, this one was a rude awakening. Ryan Holiday keeps it real. Through the lessons learned (and taught) by historical figures, he outlines how treacherous our egos can be if we succumb to its temptations. It might as well be called Sarah is the Enemy because I realize I’ve let my ego run amok one too many times. I’ll be picking this book up again.

Honourable mentions

Mastermind Dinners: Build Lifelong Relationships by Connecting Experts, Influencers, and Linchpins

101 pages, Written by Jayson Gaignard, published 2015, Amazon rating 4.9/5

Kal’s Review: A book about building lifelong relationships through dinners. It takes readers along the author’s inspiring journey, from huge challenges as a business owner, to finding purpose and founding Mastermind Talks. I may be biased because I’m friends with the author but I really liked the conversational-style and quick motivational nuggets.

The Lords of Strategy: The Secret Intellectual History of the New Corporate World

347 pages, Written by Walter Kiechel III, published 2010, Amazon rating 4.6/5

Kal’s Review: This is not a book providing strategy, rather this is a book on the history of strategy in business. I did not realize how recent this concept was nor how lucrative the strategy industry has become. Reading it has helped me become more more fluid and flexible, instead of searching for the perfect sure-shot strategy. Looking forward to re-reading The Art of War, by Sun Tzu.


333 pages, Written by Angela Duckworth, published 2016, Amazon rating 4.6/5

Sarah’s Review: This book explains the science of grit and how it affects people’s future successes. Basically, if someone is grittier than you, they will blow you out of the water no matter your ‘natural talent’. I thought I was a gritty person but after finishing this book, I realized I need to be grittier. It was repetitive and felt a bit long, but I would read more by Angela Duckworth.

One Minute Manager

107 pages, Written by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, published 1983, 2004, Amazon rating 4.1/5

Sarah’s Review: A quick read about how to manage people effectively. The book explores different ways of managing, and it is told from different employee’s perspectives. Although it did feel a bit contrived with a Goldilocks and the Three Bears type of vibe. It did however open my eyes to different tactics, some I have already tried using.

Poke the Box: When Was the Last Time You Did Something for the First Time?

83 pages, Written by Seth Godin, published 2011, Amazon rating 4.6/5

Mark’s Review: This is a motivational book about staying focused, getting out of your comfort zone and recognizing boundaries. The title is a metaphor for doing things ignorantly and taking initiative. The author coaches you, in a way, to let your ego push you and not be afraid to act like a fool. I would recommend it to any procrastinators.

The Art of War

99 pages, Written by Sun Tzu, published 1910, 1944, 2002, Amazon rating 4.4/5

Lannie’s Review: A very concise book, full of essential information. It’s a translation with some background notes inserted. I learned quite a bit that applies to building a business team and competing in the real world, because it is war and your team is your army. I only wish I could read it in the original language.

The Think Big Manifesto: Think You Can’t Change Your Life (and the World?) Think Again.

166 pages, Written by Michael Port with Mina Samuels, published 2009, Amazon rating 5/5

Lannie’s Review: A better title would be ‘The Think Bigger Manifesto’ because it’s more about thinking a little bigger in your daily life versus thinking about world-changing evolution. It could have been summarized in about ten pages. It’s my least favorite book that I’ve read in the past year, but I would still recommend it to anyone who needs to think bigger.

Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising

111 pages, Written by Ryan Holiday, published 2014, Amazon rating 4.3/5

Trevor’s Review: Growth hacking is a good overview on getting creative and using your resources to the fullest. To be honest, it wasn’t my favorite book by Ryan Holiday. Regardless, there are a few tidbits I think we all could implement. My favorite parts were the Frequently Asked Questions section and Dropbox case study.

Trump: The Art of the Deal

372 pages, Written by Donald J. Trump with Tony Schwartz, published 1987, Amazon rating 4/5

Daniel’s Review: A biographical book designed to get people enthusiastic about making deals. It details Donald Trump’s own successes and failures up to 1987. The chapter on ‘Trump Cards’ is particularly fruitful. I had heard the co-author, Tony Schwartz, apologizing for helping to create a monster during the 2016 US election because of this book.

Do The Work!

98 pages, Written by Steven Pressfield, published 2011, Amazon rating 4.6/5

Daniel’s Review: An easy read. Do the Work is about slaying the dragon of procrastination, trusting the soup and starting before you are ready. I like that the author used pop-culture examples, like screenplay writing. Overall I think there was a misplaced blame laid on nature as a force working against you. The writing could have a little more faith.

Our PDT Reviewers

Team Stats

In the month of February 2017 we read a total of 2880 pages, with a power average of 480 pages-per-teammate.

We’re passionate about learning and studying, and we want to share that passion with you. We hope these monthly book reviews will help in your business and life.

Originally published at



Pixel Dreams

We are a creative collective of artists, designers, and thinkers, specializing in the arts, culture, branding, and design.