Do you have 5 seconds to change your life?

Rashika Dass
Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2017

Share with those who need motivation to change their world. Go Get It!

Looking to have a successful day? A Satisfied Evening, where you can relax and smile, all your work is done? Wish to strike out items from your week, month, year old to do list. Want to finish all backlogs?

Yes! Hear this out. This will change your life for better.

We all wish to build something, create something. Wow, we all have a unique talents to do things. But,

· We find ourself making to-do list, and then not following them throughout.

· or we think to ourselves — What the heck is wrong with me? I know what I’m supposed to be doing, why can’t I just do it?

What we needs is will power. Right? That’s what everyone says. Have the will power to do something you want. We all know what we should be doing, to get what we want. BUT UNFORTUNATELY, we always happen to procrastinate it. We love and hate to use the word Tomorrow.

Love — because we are planning to execute it and we are getting a day to do something else. Hate — somewhere we are not sure if that tomorrow will come. How do we break this vicious cycle? What if I tell you that you do not have to go through hours and days to motivate yourself to do something. You can happily eliminate the phrase “we’ll do it tomorrow” from your life, forever. No more taunts from others or yourself.

I know, it’s not as simple as JUST DO IT. Otherwise, everyone would have everything that they desire.

Let me tell you, the things that you have been procrastinating for days, weeks and months can be done just in 5 Seconds. 5 seconds, That’s it. Wouldn’t you want to find out the rule that makes you do something, which you desire to, the result of which will excite you. Which you have been pushing since many monday’s, many months.

We aren’t talking about the 5 second rule that relates to dropping food, that if you pick it up in 5 seconds you can have it. This is the 5 second rule that will literally change your life, IF YOU LET IT.

It’s beautiful to know How just 5 seconds will gain Satisfaction. A Happy accomplished day.

Tell me, Is it a nice feeling to miss out on a moment that is full of happiness and success, right in front of you? How does it feel to lose out on a step to success? You know, you have to go through double the trouble to do the same thing next time. Might as well do it. We all know this moral right? But we still fail.

Watch this video, You will know how to win over your laziness or busy schedule and get your work done. This 5 Second rule will help you to do the action, specially when you don’t want to, but you know it will be beneficial. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and make a simple work look so difficult. I know it does not look simple, but try it. Once you do it, you ll know, it was worth it.

Mel Robbins first shared this idea about 5 years ago on a TEDx Stage, and now it’s one of the top 20 TEDx Talk in the world. It has been viewed by over 6 million times in over 37 countries. Many readers have actually responded back with their happy feedback. They have shared stories on how this rule has helped them change their life completely. They could achieve that they have been struggling to, since years.

Mel Robins says, that she will not tell us what we should do or how to do things that we wish. We already know that the opportunity for growth and expansion lies in our ability to step outside of our comfort zone, but we still won’t do it. Because, we do not know how to conquer our own feelings. That’s exactly what Mel Robbins wants to teach us. She only wants to enlighten us on how to give a kickstart to journey of activities that we wish to do, that we are procrastinating since weeks — months — years.

Watch to find out the HACK. Its has changed many lives. It will definitely change yours too.

If you like what I shared with you, If it seems to make an impact in your life. Please do tap the ❤ button below — as a writer it means the world. Want to discuss more, reach out at You could share your sincere inputs with me as well. Will truly appreciate it.



Rashika Dass

Growth Marketer | Certified Inbound Marketer| Business Head