“Watch this” if you wanna improve your craft daily.

Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2017

Internet is the most democratic idea ever created. Internet has empowered us all and the most fascinating thing is the ability to share ideas. Anyone with a laptop and Internet connection, can do wonders, only requirement being — willingness.

Recently, I met some of my ex-college mates and they all seemed to be struggling with the craft. They had desire to improve but were impatient and were in a rush to become something. They all had similar questions, ‘how can we become good at X ?’. I could have told them, ‘work hard and smart’. But Instead I choose to share this amazing piece by Ira Glass. Believe me, it is the most inspiring piece of work, for the people who are trying to be, the Best or simply improve themselves. I watched it over and over again. If you are a hustler, you’ll fall in love with the process of building your creative genius, from novice to expert. Hustle more, do lot of work … close the gap.

Ira glass talks about the gap between taste and skills which most beginners face. I had the same dilemma when I began to self-taught coding to myself. I had a vision of where I wanted to reach but was overwhelmed with what others were doing and where they had reached and the amount of work required to reach there.

Thank you Ira Glass, for telling learners, which nobody else does.

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