7 Reasons Why Humanity is Still Better Than AI

Zaw Min Tin
Pixellion Note
Published in
4 min readMay 23, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around since the 1950s, when Alan Turing, a young British polymath, figured out the logical concept of machines deciding the outcome of something and solving problems by using the available information.

Nowadays, AI is influencing our daily lifestyles by automating mundane tasks, increasing efficiency and accuracy in decision-making processes, providing more efficient customer service, and driving the development of new products.

AI-powered services like Tesla Autopilot AI, AI arts, and text-based AI like ChatGPT, where you can enter various commands to get information on whatever you want, are obvious signs that AI will soon dominate humanity and drastically change the way we interact with the world.

However, AI cannot automate everything, and this remains a fact. Moreover, AI will never understand the concept of morality or values because it does not have an emotional connection to any particular situation. To learn more, keep reading to discover the 7 reasons why humanity is still superior to AI.

1. Emotional Capabilities

Emotional concepts are the ones that AI can’t replicate. We understand how others feel because we have felt the same way, which allows us to connect with one another more effectively. The depths to which we experience our emotions are distinct, and AI, which can only process data and make logical decisions, cannot replicate these depths.

2. Creativity

AI cannot compete with human creativity. We can come up with new ideas, solve problems in unique ways, and create art and music that evoke emotion in others. AI may be able to mimic creative processes, but it cannot truly understand or create in the same way that humans can. True innovation comes from the mind of a human being who is driven to improve their lives and the lives of those around them.

3. Intuition

Humans rely on intuition, or gut feelings, to make decisions. A truly successful marketing campaign comes not only from analyzing data and trends but also from tapping into those intuitive hunches about what the customer wants and needs. AI will only use the data fed to it and search for an optimized solution, rather than daring to do something out of the box. Humans can make better decisions with their intuitions when the data is limited or unreliable.

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4. Empathy

To empathize is to understand and share the feelings of another person; it is a uniquely human capacity. This is crucial for building relationships, creating a sense of community, and fostering understanding between different groups of people. AI is not capable of empathy and is limited to understanding data and patterns.

5. Morality

Humans possess a sense of morality and ethics that guide our actions and decisions. Making decisions about whether or not to do something based on the condition and dignity of others is what distinguishes us as humans. This allows us to make choices based on what is right and wrong rather than just what is efficient or logical. On the other hand, AI cannot make moral or ethical decisions because of the limitations imposed by the programming it receives.

6. Sense of Purpose

Humans have the ability to set goals and work towards them, giving us a sense of purpose and meaning in our lives. No one can easily imitate passion because it is something that is unique to each individual and can only be created or harnessed from within. AI is limited to completing the tasks it is programmed to do and does not have the ability to set its own goals or find a purpose.

7. Flexibility

Humans can adapt to changing circumstances and learn from their experiences. As the saying goes, “the only constant changes,” so humans are the only thing that can adapt to whatever situation arises. We can change our beliefs and behaviors in response to new information and experiences. Because of its programming, AI is constrained and unable to adapt in the same way that humans can. Even the best AI, such as Tesla’s Autopilot, misidentified the moon as a yellow stop sign.

In conclusion, while AI has made significant advances in recent years and has the potential to improve our lives in many ways, it still lacks the emotional depth, creativity, intuition, empathy, morality, sense of purpose, and flexibility that are unique to humanity. Therefore, humanity is still better than AI.

Original Post on Pixellion’s Blog



Zaw Min Tin
Pixellion Note

Entrepreneurs. Founder of Pixellion 360. @skipsoft