Goodbye old office — we are moving

Earlier this year, we announced the move to a brand new office after almost 4 years in the same space, at the heart of Porto, Aliados. Architecture project was completed, a builder was found, construction work was about to begin, but all of a sudden, by March 2020, the entire world was forced to work fully remotely.

Nídia Macedo
5 min readAug 12, 2020


After asking the team’s opinion in a survey, we’ve decided to close our current (old) office and work fully remote until the new one was ready to welcome the team. This decision was bittersweet and sparked mixed feelings in everyone — excitement about being fully remote, but also sadness about seeing a space where we all shared incredible moments together as a team, felt nervous on your first interview, accomplished incredible milestones, closed.

We had to register the moment and properly say “goodbye” to a place that carries so many good moments and memories to all of us. 👋 On our last visit to the old office, the team took photos of their favorite spots and corners — even of the smallest details — to somewhat celebrate the end of an era and the beginning of a new one.

Here is the result…

André Silva, Delivery Manager

“[I chose] The Game Room because it’s the space where I have more fun, where there’s more social interaction.”

Game Room

“[And] the Main Meeting Room because it’s where the action happened. Where we had important meetings with clients, where we held all our performance reviews.”

Main Meeting Room — where we had so many important meetings

Cláudia Pereira, Marketing Manager

“This little corner had such a powerful impact on me and on my growth at Pixelmatters. Every time I walked by this frame, it was a little reminder that every challenge seems impossible until you can say — “Yep, I did it” 🧡

Impossible is nothing — one of our core values (Kitchen)

Eduardo Pinto, Front-end Developer

“I chose the Game Room because it’s where I shared so many joys with my friends and lots of cheering 😂. It was a place where I could relax, forget the day-to-day stress, and just have some fun with them as a team.

Game Room

Luísa Ferreira, Product Designer

“To many, this is the iconic couch where we took many photos with our clients, but to me, it means a little more than that. During my first interview, I had to sit here, waiting for Luís Monteiro (Pixelmatters’ Design Director), with the typically associated nervousness, and without knowing this would be the beginning of a new journey for me. I fell in love with this space, the light, and the overall atmosphere. My desire to be a part of Pixelmatters started to grow more while waiting on this couch…I will miss this office.”


Gil Mendes, Principal Developer

“The office location is amazing and we had such a magnificent view!”

The office view to Aliados, at the heart of Porto (Lounge)

“I’ve always liked the open space aesthetics, I like the modernism mixed with a classic touch. It was inspiring!”

The open space

Luís Monteiro, Design Director

“This space, although not very big, was holding a constant reminder of the reason why we do what we do and the level of connection among everyone on the team. Our achievements wouldn’t even matter if there was no one to share them with, whether the rest of the team or our clients.”

The wall of love (Kitchen) 🧡

Junior Oliveira & Filipe Costa, Front-end Developers

“Filipe and me in our little corner at the office (this was the easiest way to take a picture together during pandemic times).”

Work desk (Open space)

Nuno Góis, Product Owner

“I was warmly welcomed at Pixelmatters when I first joined the team, but it was at the foosball table where I truly “broke the ice” and started to know my colleagues better. I’m thrilled to be at the new office and leave André Silva nailed to the floor with my goals. 😂

Foosball table (Game Room)

Tiago Queirós, Front-end Developer

“I was going to choose our couch, but our Kitchen was a special place for me. I had so many chats here and it was where that team spirit flourish the most.”

The Kitchen — where we all celebrated so many important dates

Luís Rocha, Front-end Developer

“The always epic view to Avenida dos Aliados… I miss this view so much!”

View to Aliados (Lounge)

“And the balcony (at the back of the building)…I had so many chats, so many good moments here… It was a place to unwind.”

Balcony (near the kitchen)

Our little corner will definitely be missed! But you know what they say: when one door closes, another window opens. The door to our old office is now officially closed and locked, but there will be many windows to look through in our new space. And we can’t wait to be there creating new memories.

Goodbye “old” office, hello 2021! 🧡

Don’t forget to follow Pixelmatters on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram and if you enjoyed this story, please leave a Clap below! 🧡



Nídia Macedo

Content Marketer @ Vivapets // Biology and Neurobiology major // Copywriting and Content Marketing newbie