
André Oliveira
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2017

Somewhere along the line it suddenly became a prerequisite that all public work has to be of amazing quality. — Femke

After reading Femke’s article “We need more shitty work”, it got me thinking.

Nowadays, online portfolios are full of pixel-perfect projects and “shiny” end results, when the fact is, during the process, any Designer, regardless of the experience or skill, makes so much 💩.

I believe it’s important to make this clear, specially for those who are just starting out. Do not get discouraged by the results of your experienced peers. They didn’t come up with that on the first try, neither are they natural-born superstars.

Perhaps, it’s time for we, as the community, to create more opportunities to show unfinished work, ideas under development, to talk openly about the design process, to seek and to give feedback.

Are you up for a challenge?

With that in mind, at Pixelmatters we’re challenging all designers to participate in:

If you are Jedi (I mean, an experienced designer), the challenge is to share “shitty work” done in the past, the progresses you made to become an expert and demystify your design processes.

If you are a young Padawan, here is an opportunity to share your work in progress, share your roadblocks and seek out for feedback.

Game on, players!

As the Founder of a design company, I felt I needed to give the example.

Our team has also stepped up, and contributed with a few great examples. Take a look bellow and feel free to comment or ask questions.

You can follow the entire thread here: https://twitter.com/hashtag/ShittyWorkWednesday

Your move!

So, now it’s up to you. Next Wednesday, take a moment to review your work, and share it with the hashtag #ShittyWorkWednesday.

Also, get involved with the community, leave your thoughts and comments on other peoples work and invite your colleagues to join in.

We are counting on you! 💪

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André Oliveira

Dad. Entrepreneur. Designer. Thinker. Doer. Founder & CEO of Pixelmatters