[Review] Call of Juarez Gunslinger : A Highly Underrated Title (Windows)

Zac L
Pixels : A Tech Publication
2 min readApr 5, 2016

Call of Juarez Gunslinger was an entertaining ride from start to finish. This must have been said at least 100 times by now, but I feel I can elaborate a bit. The game follows the adventures of Silas Greaves, a bounty hunter. This game takes place in the wild west in the late 1800s. The whole game essentially is Silas in a bar recalling these adventures. Of course the whole game isn’t just a never-ending cutscene, you actually get to play as Sila’s in his “adventures”. Story wise I’ll admit this game is not anything special but sometimes a so called “mindless action” Is just what we want from time to time. Anyways, back to the game. During Silas’ bounty hunting adventures, he comes in contact with many famous outlaws such as Jesse James (who hasn’t heard of him, I’d like to know?) and Billy the Kid.

Anyways, thats enough on the story. Next up I want to talk a bit about gameplay. This is where the game feels severely underatted. There is no complicated game mechanics like many games today have, and that is what makes it shine. Gunplay is very well done. There is a levelling system, which is not overly complicated and really creates a magical experience. The game took me around 7 (ish) hours to complete and is well worth the asking price (even better when it’s on sale!). There isn’t too much replay value, but there are collectables and a “New Game Plus” mode, which If you didnt know basically lets you start a new game with all your levelling intact from the previous playthrough.

Overall then, I’d like to give this game a 8/10. A fun ride from start to finish, and well worth the price.

Call of Juarez Gunslinger is availible for Windows on Steam. Link Below

