[Review] iPhone 6 Plus

iPhone enters the plus-size phone world

Zac L
Pixels : A Tech Publication
3 min readApr 7, 2016


Up until now, I haven’t had the pleasure of owning an iPhone. I have always been a fan of the iPhone design, but the reason why i haven’t got one up until the release of the 6 Plus all has to do with screen size. I found the size of the earlier iPhones up until the 5 too small for my tastes. Of course with the 6 Plus this is no longer an issue. When the iPhone 6 Plus came out, I jumped for it right away. I haven’t looked back since. This is my first ever iPhone, and first iDevice since the 2nd Gen iPod Touch. So this is going to be a no-nonsense unbiased (hopefully) review.

Where to start?

Lets start with battery. Battery life is always one of the most important aspects for me (and probably many others) when looking for a new phone. Coming from Android, I have had my share of problems with the overall crappy battery life. With the Nexus 5, I would barely manage to get through a full day. My usage (or screen on time, for those who use Android) would almost never exceed 3 hours. Now with an iPhone 6 Plus, battery is no longer an issue. It is such a freeing sensation when you don’t need to worry about charging your phone daily. Yes I said daily, as in my phone lasts longer than a full day. I am not kidding. I’ve used many Android devices. Nexus 5, Nexus 7, Note 4, SHIELD Tablet, Asus Transformer. None of these devices can match the stellar battery life I get with my iPhone 6 Plus.

Design, In my opinion is one of the least important factors when choosing a new phone. However It is worth noting that the iPhone 6 Plus follows Apple’s amazing design choices, which I have mentioned above that I have always liked. The only thing I can’t say I really like is the white bezel on the Gold and Rose Gold models. I find it just doesn’t fit with the rest of the phone, and for this reason I prefer the “Space Grey” version.

Performance wise the iPhone 6 Plus packs a punch (still does too). Something I still cannot believe is how this phone manages to run all day without hiccups using a mere gigabyte of RAM. Just goes to show that iOS has been well designed and optimized for Apple’s hardware. Animations are almost always snappy, unless you have > 10 apps open. Even then it’s not too bad, and the phone doesn’t hang or anything. I don’t game that much on my phone, but from what I have played there is nothing to complain about here either. Everything is just fast. All in all, nothing to complain about here.

Since I have been away from the iOS and iDevice ecosystem for a while, I haven’t had any experience with the new lightning connectors. I must say, I don’t mind them at all. Its annoying to have another cable to have to carry around, but Android really doesn’t have a unified standard either. Some use USB-C, and most others use Micro-USB. I still yearn for the day when the connector for all devices is standardized. I am not sure if this will ever happen, but I hope USB-C is the start of connector standardization. Only time will tell.

So that’s what I like about the iPhone, but what do I dislike?

Well, basically nothing. It’s that good. Seriously though, my only minor gripe is the app organization. I have gotten so used to the “app drawer” style that switching to the iOS folders took a while to get used to. I feel like manually having to alphabetize my apps is a pain in the butt.

The best phone I have ever used. Really.

95/100 (nothing is ever perfect).

