
Pixels Gaming
Pixels Gaming
Published in
1 min readNov 7, 2017

It’s been a few weeks since our crazy idea has taken flight. Customer development, AdWords tests, all-day coding sessions, and the occasional (okay, maybe frequent) pot of coffee to keep us going. The wild ride has begun.

It’s been interesting to watch Pixels grow from nothing to something at such a rapid pace. I know what it takes to get a paying customer and I know what it takes to build a brand. It takes a lot of hard work, an incredible team, and relentless passion. Without leaving too many spoilers, all I can say is that Pixels has a bright future ahead. Every night, I fall asleep shocked at the progress we’ve made. The only thing that can stop this is ourselves.

To those watching and reading, gaming is about to take a twist. New experiences are coming, and they’re real.




Pixels Gaming
Pixels Gaming

Creating new experiences for streamers and viewers. Play your favorite games, connect with your audience, grow your fan base, increase revenue. 🎮👾📈💸