GDPR update: Don’t store my IP address! (This is my newest personal data.)

Martin Kotys
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2018

New General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have been approved and will come into effect on 25th May 2018. According to the new regulations, even the e-mail address and IP address are personal data and you need to obtain clear, distinguishable and unambiguous consent in order to collect, process or store them.

Web Owners: Everyone will be affected

Every single website online will be affected by this GDPR update as it doesn’t matter where the company or website owner reside, the web visitor residency is a determining factor. If a proportion of your web visitors are from the EU, you need to comply with the new regulations.

How will websites look at the end of May 2018? Will everyone bother to change their e-mail subscription form and Cookie note? Will web design be affected?

So long, simplicity and user friendliness

Up until now, web design’s been built on simplicity and user friendliness. Most contact forms look something like this:

New contact form will have to look somewhat like this:

This is just a short, simple contact form. How about the longer form or multi-page wizzards?

I’m not a lawyer and please, don’t take anything in this article as a formal advice. I’ve just participated on a presentation explaining the new EU GDPR and I’ve had few meetings with our company lawyer to make sure Pixenio’s 100% ready for these regulations. But I have to admit, I have a mixed feelings about all this.

How are you getting ready for the whole GDPR thing? Did you know that it affects you even if you’re from US or anywhere else in the world, not only in the EU?

