Web owner: not using voice search yet? After reading this, you will…

Martin Kotys
Published in
1 min readJun 28, 2018

Few years back you might have thought: mobile design is not that important, anyone who wants to see my website, can see it on a desktop, laptop or even tablet.

That was before you realized that you, too, are too lazy to get up to sit at the desk and turn on desktop when you can just chill on the couch and browse on your phone.

What does mobile design or your website have to do with voice search?

When you finally resolved to move on to responsive design, you had to implement technological solution facilitating this shift.

The reason you’ve done it for was clear:

  • you wanted to get closer to your web visitors,
  • increase your traffic, and
  • rank higher in search engines.

Analogically, voice search is similar. You’ll understand voice search as soon as you start using it. How is voice search different than classic written search? Will virtual voice assistants handle the online data without any special accommodation from your side?

Please read the full article on our Pixenio blog.

Voice search experience statistics

