Onet’s new office looks like a tropical jungle

Pixers Stories
Published in
4 min readSep 22, 2017

By Maria Gajos

Pixers specialists transformed Onet’s gray office interiors. Luscious greens and tropical motifs filled the interior with positive energy.

A commitment to organizational culture and employer branding has become a trend that cannot be ignored. They help modern companies build their position on the employer’s market, because caring about the needs and comfort of the employees increase effectiveness and loyalty to the employer. It is hard to imagine a better and more trustworthy ambassador of a company than its engaged employee, who feels connected to the workplace not only because they work there.

Exotic animals decorating the new Onet office

The Onet RAS Polska Group, associating companies such as: Onet, Skąpiec, Opineo, DreamLab, Fakt, or Media Impact, is a brand known to every internet user. For the last few years, it has been developing dynamically on the Wrocław market, employing new talents. Thus, the Onet Group Management Board decided to move all the offices situated in Wrocław into one common place.

The new seat of the Onet Group, with total area of 1500m2, is located in the Nobilis Business House on Maria Curie-Skłodowska Street in Wrocław. Aldona Janeczko, Executive Director of the Onet Group, decided to hire Pixers to create an office that will not only become a flagship of the company, but also inspire creativity and positive emotions and be the place of employees’ integration.

Kitchen — meeting place

This was a real challenge for the Pixers team! Filling almost 500m2 with original graphics is a special task, so we engaged the best Pixers artists, who create exceptional projects on a daily basis, personalizing interiors all over the world.

The concept of wild green motifs in the office was a result of long discussions between Magdalena Frankowska, Account Manager PL at Pixers and Aldona Janeczko, who wanted a jungle-like atmosphere in conference rooms. The space was designed in accordance with the latest trends in interior design.

We spent a long time thinking about what we have in common, obviously apart from the ownership structure. In fact, this is a jungle of products, opinions, processes, information, and advertisement creations. Pixers specialists did a fantastic job transforming our words into an interior design, which indeed looks like a jungle says Aldona Janeczko Executive Director of the Onet Group.

Corridors covered with fashionable greenery

To create a truly personalized interior, one has to be a good observer and listener. We want the client to be convinced of the concept that we are going to adopt together. In Onet’s interiors, we wanted to show that you could work from everywhere in an office, even from the heart of the jungle Magdalena Frankowska Account Manager PL at Pixers.

Entering the Onet Group’s new office, one cannot take their eyes off exotic birds and plants on the brightly colored flat-design graphics on the walls. Luscious greens dominate, accompanied by white, black, fuchsia, cadmium yellow, and lush orange accents. The jungle of patterns and colors also includes more familiar and regular motifs — geometric figured designed with mathematical precision.

Chillout zone

Even if we personalize only one room, we find it important to treat office space as a whole. It allows us to express its atmosphere and company values. The jungle as the main theme was also present in the form of a bit of creative madness in the artistic process — says Malina Mituniewicz-Sysło, Senior Graphic Designer at Pixers.

The office, including its communication route, was designed so that walking through it resembles breaking through a dense jungle of lush vegetation.

Kitchen full of variety

During the hike, one can enjoy wordplays that not only put the employees in a good mood, but also encourage them to be active and engage their minds.

The seven conference rooms — like the seven continents — provide comfort and stimulate the imagination to look for original solutions and achieve the company’s goals. Each of them is characterized by one word full of positive emotions reflecting the company’s values, such as: openness, concentration, vision, development, optimism, empathy, enthusiasm.

Ingenious branding and wayfinding with tropical animals

The final effect is an eclectic mix of patterns and colors, stimulating the senses also on Monday mornings. An office with a soul and character, totally different from a standard large business premise.

It is awesome that we were able to create a place that does not look like a corporation on such a big area — Aldona Janeczko, Executive Director of the Onet Group.

The team of open-minded designers at @PIXERS_ works with offices, restaurants, gyms, hotels and the like to bring out a happy vibe from a working space. They use wall murals, window stickers, furniture decals, canvases, and posters. Discover their work at



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