Add A Gradient Overlay Effect In Pixlr X
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2019

Looking to vamp up your photos with a modern gradient effect? Pixlr X has a range of gradient overlays that are presets you can modify to suit the photo you are editing. Gradient overlays are basically selective color toning with a gradual blend of two or more hues. You’ll find it easy to merge several gradient overlay selections in Pixlr X. Simply add a gradient overlay layer over the first one you’ve chosen, and adjust the opacity or their blend modes.

How To Edit Your Gradient Overlay

With an array of options such as flipping horizontally or vertically:

Rotating the gradient overlay position:

Under Overlay, select Grads. The sidebar should load quickly with a range of gradient colors you can select and adjust according to your liking. Choose the gradient overlays with colors that suit your image, and adjust the opacity with the slider.

Adjusting The Gradient Overlay Layer

Selecting the three dots in the upper corner of each layer allows you to change the blend modes and transparency of the layer itself. You’re also able to duplicate the layer, or delete it from the sidebar.

Click on the blend mode to activate a menu that allows you to select the mode of your overlay layer.

This is it for the basics of applying and adjusting a gradient overlay on your photos. Check out more mini guides on navigating and using Pixlr X.

Originally published at on August 7, 2019.


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