DeAuto Global Hackathon Call for Participants

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PIX Team
PIX Moving
6 min readJan 4, 2022


Blockchain hash: 000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f

At 18:15 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) on January 3, 2009, a cryptopunk named Satoshi Nakamoto mined this block.

Before this, the credit and right of human economic activities were built on the centralized system. The decentralized revolution based on distributed encryption technology has brought entrenched impacts on currency, finance, collection, supply chain, organization and other fields.

This year was recognized as “the first year of the decentralization era” by future historians. This block was named the “Genesis Block”. The true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto still remains unknown.

DeAuto (Decentralized Automotive) Hackathon is a decentralized automotive hackathon aiming to complete the design and manufacturing of an A00 car in VR, and meanwhile to manage and organize the project based on the blockchain technology.

DeAuto pays tribute to the genesis block on its 13th anniversary.


The initiative of DeAuto starts from a book by Eric Raymond: The Cathedral and the Bazaar, which analyzes the success of Linux. Why did the amateur work of a Finnish university student turn into the most successful operating system in the world? How did a simple bazaar become a magnificent cathedral? Can this process be replicated and spread?
Eric Raymond believes that it is the power of openness.

With proper management and operation, an open project can achieve much greater success than a closed project. “I think the future will increasingly belong to people who leave behind the cathedral and embrace the bazaar. This is not to say that individual vision and brilliance will no longer matter; rather, I think that the successful people in the future start from individual vision and brilliance, then amplify it through the effective construction of voluntary communities of interest.”


The automotive industry is originated from Ford’s assembly line approach created 100 years ago. For the past century, the automotive manufacturing industry has established impressive efficiency and scale, which, however, on the other hand resulted in certain negative consequences such as overcapacity and high innovation thresholds. It hinders the diversity and independence of technological ecology. The automotive industry is currently undergoing a period of revolution symbolized by intelligence, electrification, and IoT, which gives us the opportunity to dive into the past and future of this industry. The democratic endeavors of DeAuto will bring more possibilities to the world.

In 2018, PIX Moving held the very first hackathon event, which paid respects to the early innovation process of automobiles and meanwhile opened the path to collaborative innovation in smart vehicles. More than 30 talented engineers from around the world collaborated to complete the vehicle x-by-wire hacking and to open source the autonomous driving architecture, which ignited the spark to lower the entry barrier of autonomous driving applications, and also allowed more individuals and institutions to join in the revolution of the automotive industry, making decentralized and democratic innovation a reality.

Move-it Hackathon with global participants

For the past three years, PIX Moving continued the hackathon spirits and has organized several collaborative innovation hackathon events themed around smart vehicle development. The same vision has forged Moving Community which binds together 300+ designers and engineers from more than 20 countries around the world. Instead of developing in closed circles like pyramid, smart vehicles as well as a diverse range applications are springing up and growing like rainforests. PIX Moving is excited and honored to witness the process. In joint efforts with every single participant, we’re committed to reshaping the paradigm of automobiles and the cities.

Self-driving Global Hakcathon event onsite photos
Self-driving Global Hakcathon event onsite photos

Now, after three years, PIX Moving has joined hands with global collaborators to develop the high-quality and affordable smart skateboard chassis platform, which opens the code, protocol, and design. More than 100 companies around the globe have developed their smart vehicle applications based on the skateboard platform.

PIX Moving is paving the way for the “decentralized development” of automotive.

About DeAuto Hackathon


This 2022, we once again call out for global engineers and designers who don’t want to be limited by closed innovation and who hate to be defined by existing rules to join DeAuto, where participants collaborate through VR. DeAuto Hackathon is dedicated to further lowering the entry barrier of automotive innovation so that individuals can also participate in automotive design and manufacturing. DeAuto will redefine the value boundary between the physical and the digital.


Participants from design, algorithm, engineering and other interdisciplinary fields will team up and collaborate in the Metaverse. The hackathon will last for seven days during which members will design a vehicle symbolizing the future and featuring the present. “Personal wheeled robot” is the endowed name.

「Personal Wheeled Robot」

When car is no longer a car, but an electronic consumer product like digital building blocks, urban hackers can create personal brand labels and convey emotions through parametric exterior and custom modular interiors, as well as digital manufacturing processes.


· It is small and safe

· It meets the constraints of digital manufacturing

· It is used for personal transportation

· It is modular

DuAuto Global Hackathon Call for Participants


「VR Collaboration」

Under the global pandemic, DeAuto Hackathon will go for online collaboration. PIX will provide each selected participant with a free VR device and participants will collaborate online through the VR vehicle design tools such as Gravity Sketch. The approach is adopted to reduce travel expenses and carbon footprint.

「DAO — Decentralized Autonomous Organization」

DeAuto Hackathon will use the DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) method. The contributions from participants will be written into smart contracts.

「NFT Ownership」

We will perform NFT confirmation on each work to protect your proprietary creation rights.

*NFT will be issued on the OpenSea platform

「Your Name」

The works chosen by the users can be manufactured. The corresponding creator’s name will appear on each “DeAuto” vehicle and participants will share the sales revenue.

·Metaverse Party

· Keynote Speakers

· Mentor panels and more

The details of DeAuto hackathon will continue to be updated


· Vehicle designers

· Computational designers

· Vehicle/Robotics engineers

· Interdisciplinary designers

· Art/Design hackers

· Digital nomads

· CryptoPunks

and more


1. Global registration

2. Selection process

3. DeAuto Hackathon

4. Works display and NFT formation

The registration will last for two months and the further hackathon details will be announced soon. Sign up and stay tuned.

·Jan 3rd· Today in History

On Jan 3rd 13 years ago, Satoshi Nakamoto created the first block “Genesis Block” on a small server in Helsinki, Finland, which laid the technical foundation for the decentralized collaboration of mankind ever after.

Today, “DeAuto Hackathon” initiated by PIX Moving and participated by engineers and designers from all over the world will open the decentralized era of automotive development. Innovations based on DeAuto will emerge exponentially. Users are not just consumers, but also designers, manufacturers and the spreaders.

This will be a Hackathon written in the history of automotive development as well as a historic Hackathon in the DAO ecology, and YOU’ll be a participant and witness of this great revolution.

Email to for DeAuto pre-registration and hackathon updates.



PIX Team
PIX Moving

Mage at @PIXmoving. Big fan of self-driving tech. Have fun making stuff. Love skateboard