Hackcity: Future Cities Designed by Over 300 Architects Will Rise in 6 Sites with 100 3rd-generation Cars in the Next 60 Days.

PIX Moving
PIX Moving
Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2022

300+ Participants

The Hackcity Opening Ceremony began at 21:00 (GTM + 8) on December 12, 2022, in a Spatial room, with “avatars” present from 20 different countries, including the United States, Canada, Italy, Malaysia, India, Peru, Brazil, Tunisia, and Denmark, among others.

Due to the Spatial room limit of 50 entrants, live feeds on YouTube and Wechat Channels were broadcast to more viewers.

Over the next 60 days, PIXCITY DAO will conduct a series of online open lectures in which 10 jury members, all of whom are renowned architects and urban designers, will share their expertise with the audience.

6 Sites

We’ve chosen 6 sites for the participants to build PIXCITIES on with 100 3rd-generation cars — PIX Moving Spaces.

  1. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The PIXCITY here can combine with its old city, thereby enhancing the local community and way of life.
  2. Black Rock City, the United States. A completely uninhabited area where a new PIXCITY is being constructed and activities are taking place.
  3. Shanghai KIC, China. The PIXCITY here should combine with the business district’s existing structures and buildings.
  4. The Line City, Saudi Arabia. The PIXCITY here should integrate with the Line’s existing design.
  5. Lagos, Nigeria. The PIXCITY should combine with its existing urban form.
  6. The moon. The design should consider the lunar environment, gravity, etc. when designing a space PIXCITY on the moon.

We envision city-hackers using their multidisciplinary expertise to improve the interaction between the city, its vehicles, and its inhabitants by creating new buildings and communities in the aforementioned six sites.

100 3rd-generation cars - Moving Space

Moving Spaces are the 3rd-generation cars that came with the AI technological revolution. We combine daily life, work, and entertainment with vehicles realizing the true MaaS (Mobility as a Service): mobile business, mobile service, and even a mobile office.

There are so many spaces for imagination to customize the spaces:

Make-up Moving Space
Light Food Moving Space
Fitting Moving Space

In fact, we’ve operated a cafe Moving Space in OCT Park, Shenzhen, China, as a trial basic service module in the public space for future cities.

Cafe Moving Space
check out the video of the cafe moving space on Twitter @thepixmoving

Instead of just creating transportation vehicles, we hope that self-driving technologies will open up a whole new market of urban service and life in both public and private spaces.

Together with the Hackcity participants and partners, we will make great strides toward co-creating next-gen cities via self-driving Moving Spaces in the next 60 days.

The future of the city and its spaces can rest in your hands.

Moving Space Interior (can be adjusted/customized according to needs)

