Hackcity Urban Design Challenge — 100 Moving Spaces, 60 Days, ONE City

For the very first time, PIXCITY is applying the latest technologies like prefabricated buildings, autonomous mobility and 3D printing to the future urban environment for creating a responsive and sustainable city habitat

PIX Team
PIX Moving
4 min readNov 25, 2022



Hackcity is an urban design challenge to design and co-build a future smart city powered by the emerging technologies. Initiated by PIXCITY DAO with the theme of “100 Moving Pixels”, Hackcity Challenge is a competition inviting “city hackers” to design a responsive next-gen city by leveraging 100 self-driving moving spaces (robo-vehicles) as the plug-in modules for the city infrastructure. The design workpieces from the participants will be reviewed and the chosen designs will be implemented in the real-world in one of the five continents on this planet: Europe, North America, Africa, Antarctica and Asia (or even the MOON!)

Key Takeaways of Hackcity

  • 100% online competition
  • $37,000.00 in prize pool
  • Real-world implementation for selected workpieces (A city designed by YOU)
  • Global participants to form a community bound by the same vision for an unprecedented city experiment
  • Keynote speech and sharing sessions from the top-notch architects, designers and smart city organizers throughout the challenge
Hackcity Urban Design Challenge


According to Wiener’s Cybernetics, city is a complex dynamic system that needs to establish a “feedback-dynamic adjustment” loop in order to maintain its balance. Over the last 2000 years, city has been evolving around the “human-space interaction”. With the advancement of technologies, the living requirements of residents are changing constantly while it takes the city decades to complete the “feedback-adjustment” loop. The current urban system is gradually collapsing because the cities today are capable of perceiving changes yet can hardly react. PIXCITY is a skeptic of the static city. It integrates the Cybernetics to city and community construction, providing feedback and adjustments to meet the changing demands of citizens through movable, adaptable, and sharable modular spaces. The city will thereafter transform into a self-renewing and sustainable superorganism.

Hackcity envisions to build a better human habitat through co-creating and decentralized approach by utilizing new technologies such as autonomous driving, robotics, blockchain, 3D printing, prefabricated buildings and other cutting-edge tech. Hackcity is a prototype proposed by PIXCITY DAO to encourage the exploration, design and construction of the future city. It is an experimental project that merges new technologies and artistic design, bridging the boundary between new technology and urban lifestyle.


A picture in mind

In1964, Archigram, a pioneer architectural design team presented a concept called “Plug-in City” where the architecture construction element is standardized in the form of “capsules” that can be stacked and plugged freely into the buildings to form a dynamic architecture in the city. Today, we’ll be engaging on a more adventurous task: such “capsule” spaces will be a part of everyday life in PIXCITY. Autonomous-mobility-powered services are brought to people on-demand through the modular moving space (robo-vehicles powered by autonomous driving tech). Assuming that the living spaces in PIXCITY are composed of these modulated moving spaces, residents can freely use the “gyms,” “karaoke rooms,” and even “coffee shops” to connect and enlarge their living areas. This would effectively reduce the living expenses of urban youths while also providing a sustainable urban design paradigm.

PIXCITY Concept Reference


  • Participants can team up or submit design works as an individual
  • Submissions must include the schematic description board and the presentation file
  • The city design should fully consider the connection and integration between the moving space and the city infrastructure
  • The city design should perceive the five dimensions: shareable, responsive, configurable, connectable, and achievable
  • Submissions should be both innovative and practical, integrating cutting-edge technologies and meeting the feasibility criteria
Modular Moving Space and the Future Architectures in City
Moving Space Powered by Robobus


  • Registration Deadline: Dec 9, 2022
  • Hackcity Review and Interaction: Dec 12, 2022 — Dec 14, 2022
  • Hackcity Challenge: Dec 15, 2022 — Feb 9th, 2023
  • Workpieces Submission Deadline: Feb 10, 2023


Architects, urban designers, urban scientists, urbanist, city planners, design and architecture institutions, engineers, architectural and urban design professionals, students, and enthusiasts. AND: like-minded innovators & visionaries who’re craving for a better city lifestyle powered by the next-gen technologies.

More details about Hackcity: https://www.pixmoving.com/hackcity

Direct link to registration form click here

Email to nancy@pixmoving.com for any questions or concerns

Join us for the greatest city paradigm revolution in 100 years



PIX Team
PIX Moving

Mage at @PIXmoving. Big fan of self-driving tech. Have fun making stuff. Love skateboard