Rolling to next-gen urban lifestyle: join an interior design challenge supported by AIGC

A car interior design challenge, and an architectural interior design challenge

PIX Moving
PIX Moving
5 min readApr 4, 2023


Architectural Interior Design + AIGC + Self-driving Vehicles = Moving Space Hackathon

It’s not about driving but about living. Designing mobility as a service (MaaS), brings work, life and entertainment to people with self-driving PIX Moving Space.

“What we know about cars may no longer be a four-wheel transportation tool but will be redefined as ‘moving spaces’ carrying urban life which will come to be the next-generation lifestyle of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS). “

– Angelo Yu, founder and CEO of PIX Moving.

Moving Space Hackathon

Moving Space Hackathon is an Applied Interior Design Challenge based on a self-driving Moving Space 3D model and PIX’s self-developed AIGC platform, PIX Algorithm Modeling (PAM™). It calls for creators, designers, engineers, artists etc. to design a Moving Space, providing feasible solutions and business plans for one of the current urban issues in 31 days.

Event Bonus: 1.5W $ Bonus Pool ( + Paid visit to PIX C-zone Smart Manufacturing Factory; DeAuto DAO membership; POAP.)

Time: May 5-June 5, 2023

Number of participants: 50 (worldwide after portfolio selection)

Participants: Spatial Designers, Automotive Designers, Interior Designers or anyone interested in co-create life on wheels

For more info, prizes and submissions please visit the Moving Space Hackathon's official website.

Here you can let loose your imagination a bit, and picture a city where you can hail a vehicle that provides more than just transportation. These vehicles- what we called Moving Spaces-offer a wide range of life, work, and entertainment services, such as a mobile gym, office, kitchen or bookstore. By using these modular mobile spaces, we can effectively save public space, reduce personal car use and traffic congestion, and ultimately lead to sustainable urban development.

Join the Moving Space Hackathon, and be a part of designing the future of urban living.

“We’ve been applying the generated design on our production for more than 4 years, now seems the right time to open PIX Algorithm Modeling (PAM™) — Alpha version worldwide, to lower the design-to-manufacturing threshold. Unlike traditional Alpha tests, we will first invite participants of the Moving Space Hackathon to join and create something exciting. “

- Stephen Chen, PAM™ Platform Director


PAM™ is an attempt at industrial design, showing that AIGC is not limited to writing, code generation, illustration&video generation. With PAM™, we can take the design from concept to production by integrating our manufacturing technologies: large-scale metal 3D printing, composite 3D printing and real-time manufacturing etc. Compared to the standard design-to-manufacturing process, it can complete the design, engineering modelling, simulation and manufacturing all once reducing at least 10 times as much time and effort.

Solid Mechanics Simulation
Multi-Body Dynamics Simulation

To help participants to design feasible and manufacturable Moving Spaces, PAM™ will release the PAM™ Alpha version at the Moving Space Hackathon.

By inputting text and images into the PAM™ platform, participants can generate designs for things like automobiles, houses, and more.

Car structures generated by PAM
Furniture generated by PAM on the left

Meanwhile, Pix Moving will offer workshops with technological support to help participants design to manufacturing standards and reach out to related brands, media and operators around the world to showcase the work.

A sample for participants, PIX’s engineers have designed a trim product combining natural elements and minimalism, a Moving Office via the PAM™ and built it from the scratch in PIX’s factory. It will be showcased at the Hannover Industrial Expo in Germany on April 15.

Moving Space as an office designed by PAM

The reason why PIX Moving is doing this…

“I worked as an architect, and I am still hoping to use my skills to improve urban aesthetics and make the city a better place. But it was discouraging to see that the more homes I designed, the higher their prices rose, the fewer people could afford them, and the more crowded the city became. ”

Said, Angelo.

“Later, after working on an IT startup, I saw how innovations like autonomous vehicles can address issues that traditional architectures couldn’t address. Like how cities changed when cars took the place of horse-drawn carriages, autonomous technology will bring huge changes to the layout of cities, and of course, the urban lifestyle of people.”

In light of this situation, in 2022, PIX Moving introduced Hackcity, a competition for urban planning based on Moving Spaces, intending to investigate possible future human habitats.

“Like Lego bricks, self-driving Moving Spaces will serve as the “basic unit” of the city of the future. ”

Hackcity 1.0 first prize winner. For more please visit Hackcity

Moving Space Hackathon would be just another start.

We hope that…

The city system, which consists of several diversely functional units, should ideally allow for modular assembly and configuration to satisfy various needs.

PIX would like to work with global innovators to create an urban superorganism remade by a variety of “moving spaces,” which would allow interaction between “people,” “space,” and “architecture.” This process can unleash the enormous creative potential in people.

It has to be a fun “sandbox game.”

Various designs were generated by PAM. To be continued…

About PIX

With the goal of rebuilding the city with autonomous mobility, PIX Moving aspires to innovate not only new-generation cars, but a chain of tools for automobile design and production. PIX Moving Space (mSpace) will be the main fully-autonomous driving product representing the third-generation automobile revolution. It will provide on-demand service in urban areas and usher in a new era of “Mobility-as-a-Service” (MaaS).

