🌹#CryptoArt Collaborations 🌹

Zack Yanger
SuperRare đź’Ž
4 min readMar 14, 2019

Since embarking on my #CryptoArt journey on SuperRare last year, I’ve tokenized 59 one-of-a-kind creations in honor of my sister Rose. Each piece has its own unique story, and SuperRare has given me the opportunity to share these memories with artists and collectors around the world.

Of the many things I enjoy about SuperRare, the top of the list is undoubtably the friendships I’ve developed with other artists on the platform. The SuperRare community continues to grow tighter and tighter each day, even as more artists and collectors join the family. The community is smart and supportive, and our daily telegram conversations have become a highlight of my day.

Lately I’ve been focused on collaborations. Especially for digital art, I think artist collaborations will be really important as the CryptoArt landscape continues to be created. Each artist has their own unique style, and when merged with the style of another artist a completely new style emerges. I was interested to see how other artists I admire would approach rose inspired art, and not surprisingly these new collaboration pieces have become the favorites in my collection.

My first rose collaboration was with one of SuperRare’s premier artists Hackatao. One of the earliest artist adopters of the platform, Hackatao has been a pack leader since the beginning making an impressive 42ETH so far across 47 art sales. When I first joined SuperRare I gifted one of my roses to Hackatao out of sheer admiration, and our friendship has grown ever since. In our piece, @Hackatao sketched an original rose design that I animated and brought to life. Current Bid — 1.25ETH

“Rosa per Rose” — https://superrare.co/artwork/rosa-per-rose---@hackatao-&-@roses-collaboration-2064

The next artist I collaborated with has, in my opinion, one of the coolest styles on SuperRare. @ghostshoes is a U.S. based mixed media artist and writer whose work explores cybernetics and posthumanism, 80s/90s technology/aesthetics, and surrealism. I’ve been a collector since @ghostshoes first joined, and I quickly jumped at the opportunity to collaborate. In our piece “Garden Party”, @ghostshoes took original photography from my fathers rose garden and brought it to life in this stunning original design.

Garden Party — https://superrare.co/artwork/garden-party---@ghostshoes-&-@roses-collaboration-2133

Another artist I’ve always admired is @Snikt83. Based in Nashville, @Snikt83 experiments with digital art of various styles and inspiration, often using textures captured from her own physical artworks. Her talent is undeniable, and her approach to rose art blew me away. Our piece is titled “Glass Bouquet”, which is an original design by @Snikt83 that I animated and brought to life with additional coloring. Current Bid — 0.75ETH

Glass Bouquet — https://superrare.co/artwork/glass-bouquet---@snikt83-&-@roses-collaboration-2181

Most recently, I had the opportunity to collaborate with the first artist I ever purchased a piece of CryptoArt from — @artonymousartifakt. Currently in 2nd place on SuperRare in terms of total # of sales (53 so far), @artonymousartifakt has a style that stands out. For our collaboration, @artonymousartifakt took an original photo from my fathers garden and brought it to life like a story. This piece titled “The Abyss” is without a doubt one of the premier pieces in my collection. Latest bid — 1.25ETH

The Abyss — https://superrare.co/artwork/the-abyss---@artonymousartifakt-&-@roses-collab-2171

Another piece I want to highlight was a recent gift from SR artist MLIBTY that really blew me away. While I didn’t play a role in its creation, this might be my favorite piece in my entire collection.

“Mlibty Rose” is the first work ever from MLIBTY Shadow series, where MLIBTY Shadows saw the rose. This rose entered the world of Shadows from some parallel dimensions, opening the hole for long forgotten possibilities of untaken paths.

In the description MLIBTY went on to dedicate the piece in my name before gifting it to me (after already receiving a $100+ bid that he didn’t accept). The piece was shared on Twitter, and has so far received 7 bids (the latest coming in at 2.5 ETH). An incredible example of how amazing and supportive the SuperRare community has become and I’m forever grateful for this thoughtful gift.

MLIBTY Rose — https://superrare.co/artwork/mlibty-rose-2277

Collaborating on these roses has been my favorite SuperRare experience so far, and I encourage other artists to give it a try. I’ve already started collaboration conversations with artists Mattia Cuttini, Coldie and The Galois Connection and hope the list continues to grow. With each collaboration I see myself growing as an artist and I’m excited to see what the future holds

