Commented on “A VC”

Paul Wilkinson
Published in
1 min readJan 10, 2010

The Dragon App for the iPhone works pretty well too — it seems faster and almost as accurate as V10 of the full program on my PC, although as someone who was trained to write on a keyboard, I’m more comfortable typing — even though I think my writing may sometimes be better when it’s dictated first and then manually edited. Don’t know what Dragon might charge for the App, but they were smart enough to give it to me free since I purchased the desktop program. And Google Voice transcription works well too, as long as the caller has a good connection. Once there’s a Web interface where I can click a button in a Google Doc or in a Disqus comment box (are you listening, er reading, Fred?), we’ll be closer to a tipping point. I’m using IntenseDebate at now, but will switch if Disqus gets a good dictation interface first.

Originally posted as a comment by pjwilk on A VC using DISQUS.



Paul Wilkinson
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Journalist; press sec; legisaltive assistant; speechwriter; law review e-i-c; producer; attorney; House Policy Comm Executive Dir.; financial regulator; teacher