Peggy Noonan’s Prose

Paul Wilkinson
Published in
1 min readFeb 21, 2009

These eight sentences from Peggy Noonan in her Wall Street Journal column this morning are the best I’ve read in a long time:

Dynamism has been leached from our system for now, but not from the human brain or heart. Just as our political regeneration will happen locally, in counties and states that learn how to control themselves and demonstrate how to govern effectively in a time of limits, so will our economic regeneration. That will begin in someone’s garage, somebody’s kitchen, as it did in the case of Messrs. Jobs and Wozniak. The comeback will be from the ground up and will start with innovation. No one trusts big anymore. In the future everything will be local. That’s where the magic will be. And no amount of pessimism will stop it once it starts.



Paul Wilkinson
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