Plaak Exchange : Beta Testing

PLAAK Official
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2018

The PLAAK team are incredibly proud to announce that this week the team will be testing out the beta version of the PLAAK exchange. The coins are being tested and implemented on the platform, and the main development phase for the exchange is nearly over. It’s exciting to see our vision come to fruition.

We recognise that not everyone may understand what beta testing is, why it’s important and why we are so excited about it. We want you to be on this journey with us, so we will try and explain this as best we can.

What is beta testing?

Beta testing is a phase of testing that generally occurs prior to launch. The testing is performed by a representative sample of users to test the usability and data integration of a platform.

Why is beta testing important?

Beta testing is important for a number of reasons but mainly quality, performance satisfaction, bug detection and cost.

Quality and Performance satisfaction

Beta testing helps with finding the balance between functionality and usability. Despite individual preferences, using a representative group of users helps find the best solution for a majority. In turn this ensures that the user’s experience is not compromised by the design of the platform and that user satisfaction is optimal.

The testing also allows for the analysis of speed and performance in a controlled environment while still undergoing a series of real world factors. Of course it is still somewhat controlled, but allows for the improvement of the platform based on the feedback of people using the application as they would at launch.

Bug detection

This is probably the most obvious advantage of beta testing. By creating a “real-world” environment for testing, underlying bugs resulting from changes or upgrades can be detected and fixed.

Users are smart and usually very busy. It is important to us that we don’t waste your time with a glitchy platform, and ensure that we deliver you the best product possible.


By having a small test run, we reduce the cost of big changes at launch, or having to shut down to fix a bug which in turn could affect your experience. This is not only good for us but also users, as we don’t waste your time and the money saved can go towards further improving and enhancing the platform.

How long does beta testing take?

Generally the testing takes around two weeks, including making any changes if bugs are detected. This will mean that we are well on track to launch the exchange and wallet 1 June 2018.

Why we are so excited about the beta testing?

It marks the ending of the development phase and the impending launch when you can all enjoy the fruits of our labour! We have worked hard and can’t wait to share our platform with you.

Stay tuned for another post coming soon that outlines how you can win an exclusive chance to test the beta version of our platform for yourself before it becomes publicly available on 1 June 2018!



PLAAK Official
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