Strategic partnership with Safex

PLAAK Official
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2018

PLAAK’s ecosystem, a new platform that will change lives by providing blockchain solutions to industry problems, has announced a partnership with Safex. The partnership includes listing the Safex Coin on the PLAAK exchange from the first day of its launch on 1st June 2018. Support for the upcoming Safex Blockchain, including both Safex Token and Safex Cash, will be integrated as soon as realistically possible after the blockchain has been launched.

PLAAK has been working closely with Safex and its CEO Daniel Dabek. What the partnership will mean for Safex Coin holders is the ability to trade on an exchange with various other currencies. At the launch of PLAAK’s exchange the Safex Coin will be paired with PLK, BTC, ETH and USD, with other pairings currently being discussed for the future. The partnership with the listing of the Safex Coin will connect PLAAK’s community with Safex’s community and help both grow and learn more about the benefits of each other.

Both communities are very excited by the announcement, and the PLAAK team look forward to further develop and grow the long-standing partnership as well as explore the possibility of future projects.

About Safex

Safex is a decentralized marketplace that for the first time in history shifts the paradigm of trade towards cryptocurrency and blockchain commerce.

People can now become a part of the emerging global marketplace that rewards crypto assets and allows for a secure enclave where people can buy and sell goods and services in exchange for decentralized cryptocurrency. For more information visit Safex’s website.


PLAAK is building a digital ecosystem and is in essence expanding the Ethereum real-world application infrastructure. PLAAK is implementing a microcosm of different blockchain solutions to empower people within one trusted, integrated, simple and secure platform.

PLAAK’s exchange and wallets will kick-start and be the foundation for the ecosystem, providing a decentralized platform for both beginner and expert traders. The exchange takes the best features of other exchanges and puts them in one place. Some of these general features include fiat capability, multiple coins, fast transaction times, low fees and high security.

The ecosystem will also include an investments app, freelance app and health app which will be launched after the exchange. The ecosystem is simple to use with authentication and authorization across all apps intrinsically woven into a single login. For more information join PLAAK’s Telegram group, Discord channel or visit PLAAK’s website.



PLAAK Official
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