Why Plaak

PLAAK Official
Published in
4 min readMay 24, 2018

When faced with a purchase or investment decision, the biggest question that comes up from the consumer is why?

Why should I invest in you over other competitors? Why should I trust you?

There are an increasing number of companies who are currently trying to implement blockchain into their business.

Tracking more than 1,250 startups internationally, Outlier Ventures examined the spread of blockchain startups across industry sectors releasing the following charts in 2017:

The charts show that the Finance & Insurance sector alone account for 34.8% of blockchain startups, and that when broken down further 12.2% of total startups are to do with trading and 4.7% account for wallet startups. Consumers are spoilt for choice. So we find ourselves returning to the question, why PLAAK? Why is PLAAK better than the other 34.8% of blockchain startups? Why will PLAAK be successful? Why should I trust their team?

Why is PLAAK better than the other 34.8% of blockchain startups?

PLAAK’s ecosystem is one of its biggest value proposition. Other blockchain startups focus on one or two products but PLAAK’s ecosystem will bring multiple applications together on one platform. Some would argue that to focus on so much at once is illogical and will result in the loss of quality, but the rationale behind such logic is that it simply hasn’t been done yet.

The truth is that it is an ambitious vision, but not impossible or illogical. PLAAK have made use of their position to address industry problems instead of staying comfortable. PLAAK see it as a duty to help people if it is within a person or company’s ability to do so. Releasing one application would be comfortable and easier, but to do so with the knowledge that more can be done to help people is a misuse of a privileged position. No quality is being sacrificed at any point, all development undergoes the same rigorous procedures and security measures are constantly being both updated and further implemented.

Why will PLAAK be successful?

Hard work, passion and drive.

Big companies rarely step outside the comfort of their contained ambition. Arguably there is little reason for them to. If consumers are coming to them and they are making good money at low risk, why drastically change anything to benefit consumers at the company’s own cost?

The saying goes that if you want something done you have to do it yourself, and that is what PLAAK has done. PLAAK’s team are a combination of all kinds of individuals who have come together with a shared passion and drive to shake industries up and empower people to break free of the monopoly big industries have on consumers.

PLAAK has also navigated through a bear cryptomarket and come through to the other side with their heads held high, adamant that despite the market turmoil they will still deliver. While the vast majority of ICOs have struggled or failed as a result of the market turn, PLAAK have continued to move forward with conviction and drive.

Whilst passion and drive may seem part in parcel with a startup, greed can often cloud the judgement and vision of a company, especially when dealing with potentially trillion dollar industries. The team however are all salt of the Earth people, who are working to implement a solution to a problem not only perceived by them, but also experienced by them.

Why should I trust the team?

The team, like the majority of consumers, are tired of waiting for companies to do the right thing and develop applications for the benefit of the consumer not the wallets of CEOs. They understand the difficulties of the consumer and are catering to their needs because of the comradery between the team and the consumer.

PLAAK is constantly improving itself. PLAAK’s team never presume to know everything and employ suitable experts to help strengthen the integrity of the platform. PLAAK is built by specialists, advised by industry professionals and actively engages with other companies to ensure excellence. There is a team of 68 developers working on the backend alone, with advisors providing feedback every step of the way to offer a third-party perspective to ensure that consumers’ needs and wants will be met and exceeded.

The team work hard to cater to the consumer and look at ways to make the user experience better. There is also engagement with the community to see where consumers see gaps in their own user experience with other similar applications. The team uses feedback from the community to feed the development process such as exploring the possibility of lowering fees further where possible and implementing a range of trading tools.

PLAAK’s ecosystem will be life-changing for many consumers, and the ethos of the team is admirable. The ecosystem will kickstart with the launch of their exchange and wallet in less than a month. Their ICO is still running, so get involved now while you still can.

To learn more, head over to PLAAK’s website, join their Facebook community page or Telegram group. There is also still time to participate in their ICO, which will run until 1 June 2018 when the launch of the exchange will occur, just head over to their website and follow the prompts.



PLAAK Official
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PLAAK incorporates the best of blockchain technology in easy-to-use applications. Our Exchange is LIVE! Head to plaak.io to register.