Four Inspirations for Your Community Improvement Project from Local Experts

Rob St. Mary
Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2018

It’s great to have spirited conversations with neighbors and civic leaders to improve something in town. It’s even better to create a solid plan for a community improvement project out of those conversations. But, sadly, binders full of great ideas and detailed plans sit on shelves, collecting dust, nationwide while those who engaged in the conversation often feel frustrated at the amount of time spend, and lack of action taken, to create a new or improved public space that could be a game changer in the community.

From Blue Prints to Big Events — Community Made it Happen in Grass Lake, MI

Recently, Patronicity asked experts, aka three generous project creators, who took part in the “Public Spaces, Community Places” crowdgranting program partnership with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, the Michigan Municipal League, and Patronicity about their experience.

· Deb Kollar helped to create an accessible playground project in Lawrence, a town of less that 1,000 people. Despite the size, the community came together to make an amazing space for children and adults alike of all abilities to enjoy.

· Britt Keene worked to create a new community space in Grass Lake, a city of about 1,100. The Grass Lake Events Park features a pavilion and other amenities that have created a gathering place for the town to welcome neighbor and visitor alike.

· Jean Lamoreaux worked to help connect a trail in Middleville, a city of just over 3,300 people. The connector section made it possible for people enjoy the full seven miles of the Paul Henry-Thornapple Trail.

Inspiration #1 — You Can Do It.

While many people live their lives online, not everyone has the same level of technical knowhow. Not only that, running an online crowdgranting campaign can be a challenge if you’ve never undertaken a fundraising effort before. But, Deb Kollar said there’s nothing to be intimated about no matter your skill level.

Deb Kollar (video is 1:03)

Inspiration #2 — Welcome Neighbors and Strangers.

There’s an old saying, “a stranger is just someone you haven’t met.” Thanks to the work Britt Keene and her team have been able to do around the Grass Lake Events Park, more and more people — including neighbors who never go downtown — are engaging in the community. That means more opportunities for local businesses and more vibrancy.

Britt Keene (video is 0:38)

Inspiration #3 — Give ‘em a Chance.

Sometimes we might feel like our neighbors aren’t as plugged in to what’s going on or maybe they don’t engage as much as you. But, maybe the key thing is that they haven’t been given an opportunity — a simple and easy way — to get plugged in, to make the effort, to get engaged. As Jean Lamoreaux found out, even those who might not be able to do a lot on their own will often engage for their own reasons, if you give them a chance to step up.

Jean Lamoreaux (Video is 0:44)

Inspiration #4 — You Make it Possible!

Often times, the little things we do daily can seem common, maybe we even take them for granted. But, when a crowdgranting campaign happens in a community it can improve the quality of life for people in ways you might not even realize. As Deb Kollar found out, being able to play, to connect, to soar, can be such a joy.

Deb Kollar (video is 2:17)

If you want to hear the stories, great strategies, and the impacts of the program for Deb, Britt, and Jean’s projects — you can dive into a recording of the full webinar below.

Full Webinar (video is 54:40)

ONE LAST THING — We Forgot an Inspiration…YOU!

At Patronicity, we are inspired by are sponsors who seek to be innovative in how they can affect change at the local level through a community crowdgranting program. At the same time, we are inspired by dynamic leaders like Deb, Britt, and Jean who step forward with a project that connects community in a very real way. We are also inspired by our donors — those who step up and say “Yes, I support this idea, here are a few dollars — let’s make it happen”.

What better time than now to step up, make it happen, and create the next inspirations. You can do it, Patronicity is here to help.

Let’s talk soon and inspire together!

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