How to Build a Powerhouse Crowdfunding Team

Maddie Miller
Published in
5 min readFeb 1, 2022

Launching your crowdfunding campaign can be intimidating. That’s why it’s so important to have a team beside you!

When you begin a campaign on Patronicity, we’re on your team from the very beginning. An experienced Patronicity Project Coach will be there every step of the way as you develop your campaign and raise funds.

But you’ll need more than just your Project Coach to help you reach out to your community and reach your goals. This is where having a small but mighty fundraising team comes in. In this guide, we’ll take you through how to build a powerhouse crowdfunding team!

You’ll learn:

  • What roles you need on your team
  • How you can find community members to fill those roles
  • How to keep your team motivated and on the right track
  • How to engage community members as campaign influencers

What roles you need on your team

Every team will look different based on team capacity and organizational size, but the roles you need on your team will remain the same. For example, a grassroots neighborhood group will have different needs from an established nonprofit organization. Larger teams or large-scale, multi-phase projects may want to form a committee with sub-committees to handle certain aspects of the campaign.

It can also be helpful to consider yourself and your team members individually. What are your strengths and weaknesses? If you do not have skills in a certain area, you may want to find and recruit someone that has the necessary skill set.

The following are a list of roles we recommend you have on your team, but these are just a start. Adapt these roles, or add roles, based on who is willing to help to ensure campaign success!

Campaign Manager

The campaign manager will act as the point person for the campaign. They will manage all communications with the Patronicity Project Coach. This person will organize tasks and timelines for everyone on board. This person is often in charge of creating a list of potential patrons, supporters, and influencers to support the campaign, in addition to the core team.

Communications Manager

The communications manager is in charge of all marketing and campaign communications. They are in charge of creating and implementing a social media and public relations strategy for the campaign. They engage with patrons and supporters on digital marketing platforms and work with influencers to share their campaign far and wide. This person should enjoy storytelling and be comfortable talking about the project.

Event Coordinator

The event coordinator is in charge of planning, implementing, and attending campaign fundraising events. They will create partnerships with community organizations that can help host events, donate, or share the campaign.


The treasurer will manage the campaign books. They will manage and track the project budget. They will track donations and are sometimes responsible for sending thank you notes to patrons. They will also manage offline donations and keep track of patron rewards.

How you can find community members to fill those roles

Now that you know what team members you need to run a successful crowdfunding campaign, how do you find community members to fill those roles? We recommend considering the following questions to help you identify team members:

  • Who is a key player or stakeholder in the project?
  • Who do you trust to advocate for your cause or organization?
  • Who has the time, energy, and enthusiasm to support your campaign?
  • Who has the social capital? Team members that are well-connected in your community can help you expand your campaign reach.

A good place to start is with friends and family. You know and trust them and you likely have shared passions and interests, like your campaign goals!

You can also target naysayers and complainers in your community. Although they may be stubborn to engage, you may be able to convince them to be the change that they claim to want to see in their community.

Before you make a commitment to any of your team members, we recommend meeting with each of them individually to ensure they know what will be expected of them and what their role will be on the campaign team. Make sure this role fits their skill set, time commitment, and passions. Reconsider and re-delegate tasks accordingly to build the best team for your campaign!

You may receive a “no” when asking individuals to join your team. If someone is unable to commit to be a full-time member of your crowdfunding team, don’t forget to ask for their support in sharing your campaign once it launches. They could still be a great advocate for your campaign and help you spread the word!

How to keep your team motivated and on the right track

Team communication is key to success! Be sure your team is in regular communication on campaign goals and responsibilities. Timelines and checklists are critical to keep all team members on track.

Once you launch your campaign, you’ll receive access to our Crowdfunding Strategy Guide that provides a four phase campaign timeline and checklist to help you make your plan.

It can also be fun to run challenges within your team. A challenge can help motivate team members with a competitive spirit. See who can collect the largest amount of donations or donations from the largest amount of community members. Reward and give praise to those who go above and beyond!

How community members can act as campaign influencers to spread the word

Outside of your core team, community influencers can be a great way to expand your reach. These influencers could be social media influencers or community influencers, like local elected officials, television personalities, or business owners! Think outside the box and connect with individuals that have a unique interest in your campaign.

For example, if you were running a winter placemaking campaign, you might consider reaching out to your local news station’s meteorologist to help spread the word on your fun, outdoor activity that is perfect for cold winter weather.

Now that you know what it takes to build a powerhouse crowdfunding team, you can confidently build your team! Once you’re ready to launch, we’ll be here to provide support every step of the way.

Start your campaign today at



Maddie Miller

Digital Marketing Manager at Patronicity. We use crowdfunding as a catalyst for placemaking and community development to build vibrant communities.