Tuesday Tips: So Your Crowdfunding Campaign Just Wrapped Up… What’s next?

Ronnie Watson
Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2018

To start the New Year right, we asked some of our campaign leaders to share their top tips for those who are planning for a crowdfunding campaign. We’re sharing their responses over the next few weeks, with a different theme on each post. Last week we focused on what campaign leaders thought they did well before and during their campaign, and what they wish they’d done differently.

This week we’re focusing on what campaign leaders did after their campaigns. Most people don’t think about what comes after they run a campaign, but it’s an extremely important part of the process. Read below for tips from people that ran successful campaigns.

NOTE: Not every tip fits every project. The biggest tip WE have: consider carefully the campaign tactics that will work best for YOUR project and community.

What is one thing you’re glad you did after your campaign? Is there anything you wished you’d done different after your campaign ended?

Tip 10: Make sure donors know that you’re grateful for their support.

  • We had photo card/thank yous that we all personalized and sent to the donors after the close of the campaign. We keep up with them through social media and by sending them all HOLIDAY CARDS to show we are thinking of them and appreciate all they do.” — Sonia Caldwell, A Town Arts, Anderson IN
  • After our campaign, we sent out special thank you cards with a photo of the Bedford Community Garden and a hand-written message. I think this personalized expression of gratitude was a good way to make our donors feel appreciated.” — Rachel Beyer, Bedford Community Garden, Bedford IN
  • I probably haven’t communicated enough with our donors since the campaign ended and we slowed down.” — Chris Corr, Craig Kids Memorial Park, Indianapolis IN
This grand opening for the Corner Spot in Ashland MA is a great example of keeping supporters engaged even after a successful campaign.

Tip 11: Come up with ways to keep people excited about your project

  • We have people come by and visit and check in all of the time. We have an open-door policy!!!” — Sonia Caldwell, A Town Arts, Anderson IN
  • Our staggering of [project] additions (one mural done, then the next, then the benches, then the trash cans, etc.) has kept up the excitement.” — Wendy Blake, #DistinctivePlace, Greensburg IN
  • We had an in-person celebration event.” — Jim Walker, Garfield Park Creative Community by Big Car, Indianapolis IN
  • Capitalize on the support you’ve generated through the campaign — don’t let those donors and the energy dissipate. Figure out a way to keep them engaged — perhaps use them for volunteer efforts.” — Amanda Hill, Beyond Walls, Lynn MA
Engaging campaign supporters in project preparation (like at the Bedford Community Garden) is a great way to keep them involved!

Tip 12: A successful campaign is only a step in the process. You still need to make your project successful.

  • We had the option to plow ahead for fall construction or slow down and get things in order for spring construction. I’m glad we slowed down because things have come into focus better.” — Chris Corr, Craig Kids Memorial Park, Indianapolis IN

