DSA Day-21

Arya Goswami
4 min readSep 3, 2020

Hello Everyone!!!

Before we start today, there’s one thing that I think I should address, so here it goes:

Just because metro is reopening, cafes are opened, country has gone on unlockdown, it does not mean that we are safe again or that COVID is under control.. No No No!!! It’s still not safe and it’s not just about your safety, one person gets infected, you’re gonna take your entire family down… so please please please refrain from going out…

Coming back to our Data structures and algorithms preparation, we’ll be studying further into stacks and queues and we’ll wind it up today itself..

Important Coding Questions:

Above links can be used for intensive practice of stacks and queues and if you prepare all the questions, I assure you will be ready to face stacks and queues in your placement tests.

Practicing MCQs:

Now, coming to my personal notes that I made for questions that have been and can be asked on stacks and queues in interviews:

Personal Notes on interview questions for stacks and queues:

Stacks : Basic concepts 
- Time Complexity: push(), pop(), isEmpty(), peek() : O(1)
- Two ways of implementation : Arrays, linked list

Queues : Basic Concepts
- Time Complexity: enqueue(), dequeue(), isFull(), isEmpty(), front(), rear() : O(1)
- FIFO : first in first out

1. Implement stacks using queues
push element in q1
remove elements until only one element is left, dequeue(pop) that one element
- interchange the names of queues to avoid redundancy of data
push elements
rotate 'size' times

2. Implement queues using stacks
insert elements into stack1 [top](1,2)[bottom]
transfer the elements into stack2 [top] (2,1) [bottom]
push the element to be inserted into stack1
transfer the element back to stack1 from stack 2 [top] (1,2,3)[Bottom]
pop normally

push elements normally [top] (3,2,1)[Bottom]
for popping, transfer the elements into stack2 [top] (1,2,3)[Bottom]
pop the elements [top] (2,3)[Bottom]

3. Implementation of Queues
- LRU, Page fault algorithm, quick short algorithm

4. Sort a stack using only one other stack and no recursion.

Stack<Integer> st2 = new Stack<>();
int next = st1.pop();

5. design and implement a calculater that can calculate expressions like:
+ 2 4
* 8 ( + 7 12)
( + 7 ( * 8 12 ) ( * 2 (+ 9 4) 7 ) 3 )

(PS:all items are space delimetered.)

Example answers
+ 2 4 => 2 + 4 = 6
* 8 ( + 7 12) => 8 * ( 7 + 12 ) = 152
( + 7 ( * 8 12 ) ( * 2 (+ 9 4) 7 ) 3 ) => 7+8*12+2*(9+4)*7+3 = 148

1. Split the given string into a string array
2. Start from the back of the array
3. If you find braces "(" or ")" just ignore
4. If you find an operand, push onto stack
5. If you find an operator, pop two top operands, calculate result and then push back the result to stack.

In the next segment of this series, I will be keeping a self- evaluation test on the topics that we’ve covered till now. It will cover the level of questions that can be expected during placement tests.



Arya Goswami

Incoming SDE intern at Amazon || Ex- mentee at Amazon ACMS