DSA Day-23

Arya Goswami
2 min readSep 9, 2020

Hello people!!! I hope you are doing well and have revised the previous topics that we have covered till now.

Also, Have you tried the self-evaluation test that I prepared for all of you based on the topics we’ve covered till now??? Well, if not, you should try it now because it’ll give you a complete and real overview of real placement questions level. So, go ahead… try again

Now, in the previous article.. we started ‘trees’ and covered the very basic concepts of the data structure.

Today, we will be covering few basic questions… and let me tell you.. these questions are Must Do for any placement test/interview.

  1. Inorder, Preorder, Postorder traversal of a tree:

2. Level Order Traversal

3. Validate binary trees

4. Maximum Depth of a binary tree

5. Symmetric Tree

So, try solving these questions along with writing their time and space complexity.

Also, do solve these questions very honestly because these are very very important questions.



Arya Goswami

Incoming SDE intern at Amazon || Ex- mentee at Amazon ACMS