Microsoft Practice Question Set

Arya Goswami
2 min readAug 10, 2020

Hello People!

One insight about Microsoft, Microsoft only comes for summer interns and then gives PPO to some of them and not for regular placements. So, you have only one chance at acing Microsoft. Moreover, it’s one of the companies with highest pay.

Now, I’ve done my research on Microsoft question set and I am happy to share it with all of you.

  1. Given a list of strings separated by space, return the position of the required string. Return -1 if string not present.

ex:”at”, “bat”,””,””,”car”,””,””,””,”dog” … find “car” . o/p: 4


3. Given an array of integers where all the elements occur odd number of times except 3 elements which occur even number of times, find the 3 elements.

4. Following link contains Question Set of Microsoft selection topic wise. So, revise a topic first, see through the time and space complexities and hop on to solve the questions related to the topic.

PS: I would suggest that since a very little time is left for the procedure, stick to solving questions from one resource only. I tried to solve all the previously asked Amazon questions before my interview and online test.

But, before I end.. let me make it clear that exact questions are rarely asked.. close to never. So, these questions shouldn’t be expected but questions on similar pattern and difficulty level should be expected.

I’m covering Online Test questions first… later on, I’ll be covering the interview tips and tricks. Since, we have few days before interview and after online test, prepare interview questions after online test. For now, focus on clearing the first step.

Feel free to leave a comment on what more you need me to cover for Microsoft selection procedure. Given the question set, I have guided you on what to do.. but you have to solve them and prepare yourself. If you have any doubt on any topic, feel free to leave a comment. Also, if you need any help on any topic, feel free to DM me on my instagram page:

If you want me to analyse your resume, feel free to leave me a mail on

Please DM me on the instagram page after you drop a mail… with my exams and other things going on, I have got a lot on my plate.. so just remind me through DM on instagram.

Upcoming Post: Microsoft Tips and Tricks for online test + resume tips, DSA Day-5



Arya Goswami

Incoming SDE intern at Amazon || Ex- mentee at Amazon ACMS