Crown Heights, Starring Prospect Park

Marquaysa Battle
Places of New York
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2015
An intersection in Crown Heights not far from Prospect Park. Scene Setter. High angle shoot. (Marquaysa Battle/NYU)

An afternoon in Crown Heights guarantees plenty of visuals. You see the cliche things in Prospect Park like pigeons and mums with babies, but you also get to see other cool bits if you pay close enough attention:

You see street art like this that promotes a healthy romance between people and nature.

Paying close attention to my surroundings showed me I’m not the only one with a ninja obsession. I wonder if the previous owner of this sticker knows “shinobi” and “ninja” pretty much mean the same thing?

Street sign tatted with a sticker on Nostrand Avenue. Shallow depth of field. (Marquaysa Battle/NYU)

This guy’s current obsession is presumably his lunch.

Rogers avenue. Silhouette. (Marquaysa Battle/NYU)

Some folks are busy using Pat and Joe to complete their tasks for the day. Read: ‘adulting’.

Woman walking toward Eastern Parkway. Leading lines. (Marquaysa Battle/NYU)

But the real action is at Prospect Park, if you can catch the kids breaking for recess.

Jewish class enjoying a game of soccer for recess in Prospect Park. Framing, frozen motion, layering, detail. (Marquaysa Battle/NYU)

If you’re lucky, you witness the kids witness a reverse slam dunk. “I’ve never seen a dunk in this park before,” said a boy from the Jewish class .

Corey Foster, 28, wows a Jewish class at Prospect Park. Blurred motion. (Marquaysa Battle/NYU)

Trix are for kids but parks are for everyone (especially the ones there to help the kids with their basketball techniques like this guy).

Caught Corey Foster chillaxing after his cool dunking session. Prospect park. Low angle, close-up. (Marquaysa Battle/NYU)

With all the people, Prospect Park seems like its only quiet moments are at night with an abandoned basketball to keep it company.

Lonely basketball just before dusk. Rule of thirds/negative space usage. (Marquaysa Battle/NYU)

And of course — the moon and the hoop.

Extreme low angle shot. (Marquaysa Battle/NYU)

Until next time Crown Heights.



Marquaysa Battle
Places of New York

I write and I read, you know the necessary stuff. I’m also a part-time ninja and full-time thinker. Lots of laughter and Black Is Beautiful banners. Say ‘hi’.