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Plain and Simple
What is a (n+1) query?
What is a (n+1) query?
Basics of web backend developme
Martin Thoma
Oct 20
What is a forward/reverse proxy?
What is a forward/reverse proxy?
A proxy forwards requests. They can filter or change requests.
Martin Thoma
Aug 17
How well can ChatGPT play Code Names?
How well can ChatGPT play Code Names?
You are playing the association game “Code Names”. The words are:
Martin Thoma
Aug 1, 2023
Superstitious believes in Software Engineering
Superstitious believes in Software Engineering
The Monkey-Ladder Experiment is a parabel from Competing for the future by Gary Hamel and C. K. Prahalad (1996) and goes like this:
Martin Thoma
Jul 9, 2023
Always use the latest version, but not instantly
Always use the latest version, but not instantly
People don’t make security advisories. They might not even explicitly state that there was/is a security issue.
Martin Thoma
Jul 6, 2023
Arrange-Act-Assert vs Given-When-Then
Arrange-Act-Assert vs Given-When-Then
Or: How to structure your tests
Martin Thoma
Mar 31, 2023
Python Terminology: Distribution vs Package vs Module
Python Terminology: Distribution vs Package vs Module
A Python distribution is an archive file that contains one or more Python package. The distribution file is what the end-user will download…
Martin Thoma
Jan 28, 2023
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