The Ark

Science tells us we are made mostly of water — the very stuff of life. Until it isn’t.

Elle Fredine
Plain Brown Wrapper


Photo by Alexander Marinescu on Unsplash

When the waters rise shall we return to “that” time —
To what we were before we crawled from below?
“Is this what happens when the world cries?”
We ask and yet no answer have…
Up, to breathe the crystal air,
We rose, and rising, changed;
And now, must return —
With the fishes,
Shall we
Shall we
Ever rise again?
Walk earth, breathe air,
Become what once we were?
From deep inside the questions rise,
“What have we learned, to try again?”
For rise we must, endure we must, and build,
And strive to have, to hold, to live;
We do not own, but are —
Owned of the earth;
Once beloved,
Now below
We lie…
Is this what happens when the world cries?



Elle Fredine
Plain Brown Wrapper

West-Coaster, born and bred; Weekly Tales in fiction, dark/horror/fantasy, poetry, humor, feminism, writing, relationships, and love