True salvation is self-salvation from the heart.

Plain Plan
Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2023

After watching “ Shawshank Redemption “, a question appeared in my mind: What is redemption? The answer pops up immediately, namely hope and freedom. The film tells the story of banker Andy, who was framed, and accused of shooting his wife and lover. During prison, he kept silent and aimed at self-rescue. With the ongoing effort of years, he got successfully escaped from prison. It’s the story of freedom.


Personal view (a thousand Hamlets)

I believe that different people get different feelings when they see this film. In China, it’s always said, To a thousand readers, there are a thousand Hamlets. For me who is currently unable to change the status quo, the deepest feeling after watching the film is talent and perseverance. These two are the best approaches for anyone to catch freedom in all situations. The young banker in the film, relying on his proficiency in bank financial knowledge, not only won the safety of life and a little freedom for himself in prison but also won material and spiritual benefits for his inmates. It is precisely because of his financial proficiency that the hero finally completely defeats the cruel and insidious warden, and enables himself to gain material freedom.

Another aspect is perseverance. Andy kept writing letters to the state legislature for several years to expand the library, which is difficult for ordinary people to do. For twenty years, Andy has been digging holes with that small stone hammer every day, and he has been preparing for his escape all the time. And 500 meters of fetid sewers that crawled and vomited.

Anyone who wants to finally gain freedom like a bird flying under the blue sky and white clouds must have these two qualities: extraordinary talent and tenacious perseverance. It is not terrible for people to be trapped by high walls, because some people cannot be trapped. Birds with full feathers belong to the sky forever and cannot be locked away.

Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash

In the movie, the warden randomly checked Andy and found that Andy had a “Bible”. After opening the first page, the classic saying: the way of redemption is in it. And turning two more pages is the small stone hammer that helped Andy successfully escape from prison, which was not discovered by luck. And is the Bible the way to salvation, or is the pebble hammer the way to salvation?

Favorite lines(经典台词)

Every man is his own god. If you give up on yourself, who will save you? Everyone is busy, either busy living or busy dying.

每个人都是自己的上帝。 如果你自己都放弃自己了,还有谁会救你?每个人都在忙,要么忙着活, 要么忙着死。

The strong redeem themselves, the Saints save others.


Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.

这种希望是美好的,也许是人间至善, 而美好的事物永不消逝。

Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free.


It comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying.

这种生命可以归结为一种简单的选择: 要么忙于生存,要么赶着去死。

Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.


Film scene

As far as the employees who are now imprisoned by their jobs, because they are burdened with car loans and mortgages, how many people are like fledgling birds, and they dare not fly towards their own sky. Are they locked in their own cage because of their cowardice?

If people can’t see hope, they just spend their lives doing nothing and waiting for death, actually, there is nothing to say. But hope is a dangerous thing, and those who wait for their wings to grow, though live towards death, at the same time fly towards hope, that is the real salvation, the self-salvation from the heart.



Plain Plan
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E-shop influencer in china, bad girl with good heart