5 Resume Reviews for Machine Learning

A review of the 5 most recent resumes asking for review on r/learnmachinelearning

Yujian Tang
Plain Simple Software


I commonly scroll through r/learnmachinelearning, and recently I’ve seen an uptick in resume review/roast requests. I’ve been working in AI/ML for a while now and seen a bunch of resumes. At this point, I have a pretty good idea for whether or not a resume would get you in for an interview. Remember though, the best way to get in for an interview is through a warm introduction.

Fill out this form if you’re interested in working in AI/Open Source

The way to improve all of these resumes can be summed up succinctly in four words.

Less words, more numbers

Let’s all just take a minute to remember — recruiters are hella busy, and they don’t have that much time to be reviewing your resume. Make it easy for them. Okay let’s dive into these. I’ve dropped my comments for each resume right below them.

brownjamba30’s Resume
  • There are numbers here, nice

Here’s how you make this better

  • “Developed a FastAPI-based …” how many processes? how many datasets? how big?
  • “Collaborated with renowned …” how many scientists? how many bugs? how many features?

