PlainFlow Digested Week — 8th May

Leonardo Federico
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2017

What’s this?

This post is a gentle recap of what we’ve already sent to the subscribers of the PlainFlow Digested Week (now 438).

Wait, what’s the PlainFlow Digested Week?

The PlainFlow Digested Week is a weekly Open Source Newsletter where we collect the best resources related to Tech-Marketing/SaaS/Analytics on the internet. The PlainFlow Digested Week is brought to you by @leonardofed. You can collaborate to this project on Github.

Why sharing this on Medium?

We believe that Medium is the perfect platform to share the weekly selected articles we collect, not just with our email subscribers, but also with the rest of the world.

An excerpt from the PlainFlow Digested Week Email

So, welcome to the first PlainFlow Digested Week of May 👋.
Last week I’ve personally started sharing in the PlainFlow blog my own thoughts on the Marketing and Analytics industries.
I initially wrote a piece called The Modern SaaS Stack and the Unexploited Amount of Data and later on I published a post titled AI implications on Marketing and Analytics.

You will read an excerpt of these two posts down below in this wrap-up.

On Email Marketing

1. Sjoerd van Rijen, Product Designer at WeTransfer explained how and why they redesigned all their emails. Details are what make product experiences memorable and as we said emails in many cases are a complementary way to deliver a better product experience. WeTransfer is one of the companies that understood that very well.

2. Litmus published the 2017 State of Email Workflows. The paper is 45 pages long, but if you’re into email marketing you shouldn’t miss a single word.

3. MailChimp interviewed Camille Palu and Miah Roberts from TableTrTd: their own code: the weird, wonderful world of Table Tr Td

On Data and Analytics

  1. We’re about to see a shift between the want-phase and the need-phase for Artificial Intelligence. In “AI implications on Marketing and Analytics”, I explained why and how Analytics and Marketing SaaS products will use Artificial Intelligence (AI).

2. Avinash Kaushik from Google Developers published another truly wonderful piece: Artificial Intelligence: Implications On Marketing, Analytics, And You.

3. Chris Stucchio sparked my curiosity with a very interesting analysis on Uber’s customer acquisition trough.

On Tech Marketing

1. I published on the PlainFlow Blog: The Modern SaaS Stack and the Unexploited Amount of Data. We uncovered how most of the startups adjust their product/marketing strategies based on new technologies and how they measure (or don’t measure) the impact of those technologies on their customers’ experiences.

2. Garry Lee explained in a very interesting piece why Customer Data Platforms (CDP) will be the next evolution of Marketing Automation.

3. Microsoft published their Marketing Stack and Scott Brinker promptly wrote Microsoft shares their marketing stack in the Stackies, and it’s awesome.

What surprised us this week..

1. Claire Suellentrop, former Director of Marketing Calendly, launched on Product Hunt her new book: Websites that Convert: The fundamentals of writing compelling website. The book is very well-written and it’s plenty of actionable insights. Recommended.

2. Ask HN: How did you acquire your first 100 users?

3. DHH, co-founder of Basecamp and creator of Ruby on Rails explained in this podcast (the Language of Bullshit) his main principles in marketing.

4. Ask HN: Should I create a clone of a popular SaaS with rock-bottom pricing?

For this week, that’s all. 👋

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