50 Million PLA Up For Grabs! Sign up for Plair’s Alpha Test Now

Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2019

Let’s kickoff 2019 with some great news! Plair’s Alpha Test registration is now open! Thanks for your tremendous support along the way. Our platform would not be a success without the support of the VeChain community members. Hence, we are now inviting 200 community members globally to test Plair’s Alpha version and provide us with valuable feedback. In return, Alpha Testers will receive PLA tokens as rewards. So please hurry and sign up now, share this post or refer a friend who loves to game.

In the interest of gaming and branding. Plair’s platform will be using the new URL https://plair.gg. The Plair Foundation will continue to hold https://plair.life as their foundation website.

Sign up link: plair.gg (register with your email)

What to expect if you become an Alpha Tester:

  • Become an Early Adopter
    You will receive a private UAT link via email when the Alpha version is ready. You will be offered the unique experience of playing on a blockchain-based decentralized gaming platform.
  • Get Rewarded
    The 200 testers will share a pool of 50 million PLA tokens. Rewards will be distributed based on the value of the feedback, bug reports, and issues you submit. The tokens will be sent directly to you.
  • Be Committed
    Provide valuable feedback within a time limit. Your input and feedback are essential to our platform development and beneficial to the entire community. Plair will greatly improve with your efforts and feedback.

Don’t worry if you miss out this time we will have future testing sessions for all of our users as we build out new features for Plair.

Without further ado, sign up now: plair.gg

About Plair:
Plair is the first ICO on VeChain. Plair is a blockchain gaming ecosystem that rewards Plair tokens (PLA) to gamers for playing, watching, generating content and social interactions within the platform. The platform aims to give users the tools they want across game and ability to find true community, competition, and value creation through decentralized means.

For more instructions and news, please follow our social media accounts:


Join Us:
We are always looking for gaming industry partners and technology partners to be part of our cause, please contact hello@plair.life if you would like to walk this journey together.

