Covid 19 Update

Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2020

Hello all,

It’s Pat here. First of all I hope everyone is staying safe. I wanted to give everyone an update of the goings on with Plair. During the last half year we have been working on Create Your Own Tournaments as well as trying to look at a way to get streaming out to you all quickly. We have also been working on new partnerships to allow the usage of PLA and VET in other platforms pertaining to different types of gaming.

This was all going to plan until Covid 19 hit the world. Unfortunately as you all know Covid 19 hit China first which practically decimated my development team. Some of them were infected with Covid in locked down cities such as Wuhan. Those developers have since quit and have left massive holes in my team. As a startup founder we typically like to talk about positive things but we are all in blockchain so transparency is a must. We are trying to hire up again but it is proving difficult to find the right developers as our team are mandarin speakers so we can’t just hire freelance from anywhere in the world. My CTO Paul has been keeping up as much as he can but he is almost a 1 man band with 1 other guy his junior. We have had guys come in and trial for a month but they simply cannot catch up. But rest assured the search continues.

We will keep putting up 1 on 1 tournaments as they seem to work the best right now. We will continue to make the tournaments free for now as we want people to play regardless of skill set. CYOT will continue to happen and I will be able to give a better timeline once I get my development team back up to speed.

We are expecting a partnership to take on our tokens soon so we will announce that as soon as we have integration of the Official Browser VET wallet. Plair will also contribute PLA and VET to the partnerships so we can get off the ground running. The purpose of this is to increase exposure to VET and PLA to increase usage and burn more VTHO. PLA does not have to be just used in the Plair platform. It should be used in all gaming platforms.

I know this has been a frustrating period for all of you and myself as well. The last 2–3 months have been very frustrating in terms of development. I am able to move around in HK as we are not locked down but I cannot go to China to see my dev team in person and Paul the CTO is also in Hong Kong. Once China and Hong Kong open their borders to each other sometime in June we hope we can go full speed.

We wish for everyone to stay safe during this time and hope that the world does go back to some semblance of normal soon.

Thank you everyone for your understanding and looking forward to enjoying some of the partnership we hope to turn on soon.

Patrick Tang — CEO @ Plair

