Plair Update and Looking Forward

Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2020

We wanted to give everyone in the community a quick update to what we have been up to this past month. Since Covid has subsided we have been picking up some development work. We have brought in a new hire and continue to look for more developers. We are moving forward with Plair and ramping up as we go. We unfortunately can’t meet any of our new hires so they are working with us on a slower ramp up. Usually Paul would be in our China office working with the guys directly a few days a week. During this time we have been seeking active partnerships that will drive more usage for the Plair token which is equally as important as our continued developments of the Plair platform.

Dev Update

Here is a quick update from Paul our CTO.

Hi everyone, I wanted to give everyone a small update on things we have changed on the platform. Although the changes may seem small they help to optimize what we currently have. During this period of time I have been primarily the main developer on Plair so we look forward to getting the fresh developers onboard and up to speed. Thanks everyone for your patience!



Bug fixed (v1.14-beta):

1. SignUp: Page scrolling issue.

2. SignUp: UI enhanced for Country and “Date of Birth”.

3. Wallet: Profile image and “See History” broken link.

4. Tournament: Game mode filtering.

5. Tournament Result: Show DQ player.

We have already released these features for the upcoming tournaments.

We know everyone is eager to get CYOT up and running and so are we. We will get working on this again once our devs are up to speed on our code base and Paul trusts they are ok to move forward.

Looking forward

As you have seen the online gaming market has been booming during Covid. We have seen this in the few tournaments that we ran we had a lot of new users from the Philippines sign up. This was a nice pleasant surprise to the Plair team. So we have been reaching out to potential partners in the Philippines to grow Plair. We will keep you posted on this. As some of you know the country of Philippines are huge users of crypto currency.

Although Covid has complicated software and hardware developments during this period the engagement within games themselves have grown tremendously. What’s interesting about this is the software and hardware development will eventually catch up which will lead to a huge explosion for online gaming. We consider what’s going on the perfect storm.


We have also been busy trying to get more usage for Plair (PLA) token with new platform partners. We believe it to be important that the Plair token is used for other things as well to drive growth. So we are going to be announcing a partnership with a new online decentralized gambling platform shortly. We do believe all forms of gaming including gambling drives major growth for the cryptocurrency market. It made sense for Plair to work with this new platform as a partner inside and out. We know most of you are die hard supporters of Vechain and in turn Plair so we hope that you come and support our partners and make good use and have fun with the Plair token at the same time.

We are having some early conversation with some decentralized finance (DeFi) networks in plugging in Plair token to allow for a micro borrowing and lending environment.

Plair will use some of its token holdings to help support the partnerships ecosystem to support the Plair community in usage of the Plair tokens.

All partnerships will be announced via our medium, twitter and telegram social channels. We are very excited to announce these once we are ready.

One final quick word from Pat,

We want to thank everyone for their patience and for those that have been supporting us this entire time. Thank you. We do see us moving forward as a company. With everything going on in this world I have been personally affected by this. I hope that all of humanity will all come out of this stronger than ever as a collective and that we all treat each other with the same respect as you would want for yourself. Without getting to deep into things I hope everyone stay safe and stay tuned for our future announcements.


If you have any business ideas, in terms of our future development or possible partnership, do not hesitate to share your thought via Our goal is to build this for you, with you, and never against you.

For more instructions and news, please follow our social media accounts:


