America’s Hidden History of Military Prostitution in South Korea — ft. Tim Shorrock (Escape From Plan A, Ep. 145)

Plan A Editors
Plan A Magazine
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2020
The Monkey House in Dungdecheon, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea (courtesy Tim Shorrock)

Teen speaks with Tim Shorrock, humanitarian journalist for The Nation, to look past the simplistic mainstream narrative of “Good Korea/Bad Korea,” and into the troubling legacy of American militarism on the peninsula. Tim’s recent article “Welcome to the Monkey House” details the kichijon system, a coercive system of prostitution that bears a disturbing similarity to the Japanese “comfort stations” employed during the Second World War.

Twitter: Tim (@TimothyS) Teen (@mont_jiang)



Plan A Editors
Plan A Magazine

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