Bergen, (oil on canvas) by Nick O’Leary

A picture speaks two-thousand, nine-hundred and thirty-one days


How a painting represents ‘How to be a man’ and speaks more than a thousand words. This one can speak two-thousand, nine-hundred and thirty-one days. A new article about the power of art, life, love and a painting by Nick O’Leary.

Today marks one year since my son moved from Norway to live with us, and go to school here in London.

Eight years and eleven days, flying (minimum) four times a month to Norway to be with him.

Testing the Norwegian family court legal system and resigning myself to living indefinitely in both London and Norway.

Embedding myself in Norwegian life, striking up new friendships, starting a PechaKucha Night, working from a Theatre, winning new clients and projects.

Making a life work around seeing and spending time with my son, living between two countries. Meeting my my new wife who stood by and supported us both through the final three of those eight years.

Stress, strain, emotions, laughter, tears, anger, anguish and (some) fun.

After all that my wife and I discussed how best to commemorate this period of our…



Steve Price
Plan-B Studio — Ideas. Insight. Design.

Design and brand consultant. Insight. Ideas. Creative director. Father. Brother. F1 fan. Dry Martini, stirred, with a twist. Owner of Plan-B Studio.