Dear Unfollowed

It’s you, not me.

Terry L. Cooper
1 min readMar 8, 2021
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Dear Unfollowed,

I don’t know where things went wrong. I truly don’t. All I know is that of late we just haven’t been on the same page. Literally. I pull up Medium, glance over at the Recent from Following. I feel a little tingle. AH! Something new! YAY!

I click on you and then? Nothing but heartache and disappointment. Repeatedly. Where is all the writing that you used to produce that got me hooked on you in the first place? I care not about the rocket ship that everyone is talking about. I’m so over anything COVID-related. I want new, exciting, fun. I want YOU.

The old you. The one who didn’t care about writing in topics that everyone else was writing on in order to make the next dime. I wanted the off-beat stuff. That’s what made me fall in love with you in the first place.

But alas, like many relationships, things change over time and not always for the better. Maybe someday you’ll find someone new, someone, who is okay with margarine.

As for me, I’m back out on the hunt for butter!


Your Ex Reader



Terry L. Cooper

Writer for this platform since June 2020. See my pinned post for links to locate me all over the WWW.