Separate The Wheat From The Chaff

No manual labor involved #karma

Terry L. Cooper
2 min readMar 14, 2021
Image by Daniel Kirsch from Pixabay

Defined as to separate things or people that are of high quality or ability from those that are not.

This popped into my head the day that Medium “broke”. It was the latest “shot heard around the world” if you can believe everyone’s reaction to the latest glitch. I had not thought of this saying in eons. I did not know why it popped into my head that day, but I made a note of it as it was odd.

For those of you who took a leave of absence from Medium and missed the entire episode, lucky you, let me fill you in. This last week there was a glitch in the matrix to coin a phrase where a lot of writers and some editors as well were dropped from various publications. Illumination and Writer’s Blokke just to name two.

Since Meltdown 2021 has calmed down significantly, I have been catching up on my reading and writing for the platform. In doing so, I happened upon Liam Ireland’s take of the complete fiasco. In the comment section is where I found another piece of synchronicity.

The Universe truly does work in mysterious ways.

Speaking solely for myself, good riddance to the self-involved ingrates that lacked the intelligence, emotional and otherwise, not to realize this writer-removal, alleged by-medium-not-to-be-a-hack-attack, had nothing to do with them or us.

Another writer said what a lot of us felt that day.

To be so arrogant to think that publishers &/or editors would have nothing else better to do with their time; that a vast group of adults would be so petty; not realizing that undermining Medium and its writers they undermine themselves; is ridiculous, incomprehensible, and reprehensible.



Terry L. Cooper

Writer for this platform since June 2020. See my pinned post for links to locate me all over the WWW.