Resume Vs Legacy: What would you choose to work for?

I must say, it took me almost fifteen years to realize that, all this while, I was working to add another section to my resume. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that, but when your resume becomes the obsession, your passion gets derailed somewhere along the line, and money becomes the priority. Then, the craving for abundance and affluence grows.

Ajit Mishra
4 min readMar 29, 2024


Resume Vs Legacy By Ajit Mishra
Resume Vs Legacy By Ajit Mishra

That four-bedroom premium flat in Mumbai, that expensive BMW, or that luxurious villa in Silicon Valley — no matter where your dreams fly, your aspirations tag along. While the grind continues, you often forget that the very ‘job’ that manifested from our skills deserves even more attention. As you grow vertically on the basis of appraisals, the grind continues on a never-ending ride of expectations.

  • Expectations are born from our anticipation of materialistic success. Anticipations fuel our expectations for ‘more’ from everything.
  • But eventually, we forget to contribute ‘more’ to the very job that fuels our daily bread and butter.
  • Such is the craze of the mix of expectations and anticipation from life that slowly, our perceptions become convoluted with greed.
  • And we jump ships to add another zero to our earnings. I was once in this quagmire. But then, when misery strikes and perceptions are challenged, you rise to a new awakening.

Let me share a story from my journey. If it enlightens you as a leader, that would be the best reward, as you would go on to share, care, and influence more lives.

The year 2014 marked a pivotal moment in my career and a historic milestone for Tech Mahindra. The company had just completed a groundbreaking acquisition of LCC, an American titan, for an impressive half a billion dollars. Fresh off a transformative stint at Microsoft, I returned to my former Satyam colleagues, now under the expansive umbrella of Tech Mahindra. It was a reunion with the familiar, yet it brimmed with the excitement of new challenges ahead.

My foray into this ambitious venture started with a nomination from my close friend and mentor, Venkatesh Devarajan, swiftly endorsed by Hari T, one of the organization’s most esteemed leaders. Their confidence thrust me into the vanguard of post-merger integration, a critical mission for weaving LCC’s heritage into Tech Mahindra’s future. Tasked with spearheading the 100 Days and 200 Days Plans, I led a dynamic team of talented individuals from various IIMs, all eager to innovate and leave their mark.

The journey began in earnest on Day-1, within the strategic confines of Mr. Vineet Nayar’s office at TechM’s NSEZ Noida Campus. It was here, in this hub of visionary leadership, that I met with Manish Vyas, then President and now COO of Tech Mahindra. He presented me with a question I had pondered often: Why had I left Microsoft for Tech Mahindra? As we delved into this discussion, sharing visions for the future, the conversation took a significant turn. Manish, with his commanding presence, underscored the gravity of our undertaking. This PMI Exercise was not just another project; it was under the direct scrutiny of His Excellency CP Gurnani — Tech Mahindra’s guiding star.

With the seriousness of a mentor imparting wisdom, Manish charged me with a mission that would redefine my approach to work:

“Ajit, pour your heart and soul into this exercise and lead from the front. This journey is not about adding another section to your CV; it’s an opportunity to craft a legacy that’ll fill your grandchildren with pride.”

These words, heavy with meaning, echoed in my mind. They were some incredible inputs; they were a call to action — a challenge to surpass the transient and create enduring impact. Walking away from that meeting, my head was swirling with thoughts. That night, sleep was a stranger, as I grappled with the enormity of the path ahead. Inspired by Manish’s directive, I stood on the precipice of a journey that would not only reshape my career but also inspire a deep introspection and a newfound understanding of leadership.

This revelation, set against the backdrop of Tech Mahindra’s ambitious growth, was the seed for my exploration into the depths of what I’ve termed the CITL Framework. As we find ourselves at the threshold of the AI revolution, I invite you to join me in a subsequent blog where we will discuss the CITL Framework — a blueprint for leadership that draws from the lessons of our past and the boundless potential of our future. This upcoming piece aims to inform, inspire, and empower today’s leaders and those of tomorrow, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities of a digitally transformed world.

Stay tuned for a deep dive into the CITL Framework, where we will reveal the foundational principles of Credibility, Integrity, Trust, and Loyalty. I am confident that, by embracing these principles, you can begin to craft your legacy right where you are, in your current job or role, without the constant need to update your resume. Together, let’s shift our focus from fleeting achievements to lasting contributions. See you soon!

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A Heartfelt Request

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Ajit Mishra

Microsoft Product Leader, Techie, Spiritualist and A Creative Soul