SaaS 4.0 : Service as a Software. How Generative AI is Redefining The Future of ITES

Ajit Mishra
Plan It For Me (PIFM)


SaaS 4.0 represents a revolutionary shift from previous SaaS models, embracing the concept of “Service as a Software.” Unlike its predecessors, this new paradigm leverages Generative AI to eliminate dependence on human intervention, offering hyper-personalized experiences with unparalleled efficiency. This blog explores the SaaS 4.0 hypothesis, tracing its evolution from SaaS 1.0 to SaaS 3.0. We then discuss how Generative AI is poised to redefine the future of ITES. Join me as I break down the key features, benefits, and real-world applications of SaaS 4.0 that set the future of service delivery.

With the advent of technology, the Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) sector has been continuously evolving through the last three decades. Services and software have always been coupled together and heavily lifted by human intelligence. That’s how the idea of SaaS — Software as a Service was conceptualized and was born. Today, we stand on the brink of another revolution: SaaS 4.0, or “Service as a Software,” driven by the power of Generative AI.

SaaS 4.0: Service as a Software. How Generative AI is Redefining The Future of ITES By Ajit Mishra
SaaS 4.0: Service as a Software. How Generative AI is Redefining The Future of ITES By Ajit Mishra

The SaaS 4.0 Hypothesis

The core hypothesis of SaaS 4.0 is that AI-enabled services will replace traditional software applications and human service agents. By utilizing…



Ajit Mishra
Plan It For Me (PIFM)

Microsoft Product Leader, Techie, Spiritualist and A Creative Soul